The Most Popular Fortune Telling

The Most Popular Fortune Telling
The Most Popular Fortune Telling

Fortune telling is a long-standing esoteric method by which people find out their future and get answers to their questions. There is a huge amount of divination - on cards, runes, coins, books, mirrors, and so on. So what kind of fortune-telling can be called the most accurate and popular?

The most popular fortune telling
The most popular fortune telling

Tarot, runes and coins

One of the most popular fortune-telling in the world is tarot card predictions. Despite the fact that only an experienced specialist can give the correct interpretation of the dropped cards, many people successfully predict their future without the help of fortune-tellers. Tarot cards allow you to find out the development of a situation, about love, relationships, marriage, fidelity and other various issues.

If you decide to purchase a tarot deck, remember that the cards must be constantly carried with you in order for them to acquire an energetic connection with you.

Another ancient way of predicting events is fortune telling by runes - magic alphabetical signs that were used in the old days. Runes were carved on stones, carved on trees, decorated with weapons and other household items. Today, special sets of runes are sold, which help to determine important life decisions and predict certain moments of your future.

Fortune telling with coins is extremely popular among young girls who are interested in their future love relationships, the likelihood of marriage and the number of possible children. It is believed that coins have magical powers that allow them to look into the future and answer the questions posed as accurately as possible.

Christmastide, books and numbers

No less popular ways to predict the future are New Year's and Christmas fortune-telling. During this period, girls fortune-telling on candles, mirrors, walnut shells, burnt newspaper, wax and many other objects. New Year and Christmas is a special time that reveals many secrets, therefore fortune-telling on these holidays is considered the most faithful and unmistakable.

Many esotericists do not recommend fortune telling with the help of a mirror maze, since this type of fortune telling is the most unsafe for inexperienced girls.

Fortune-telling by the book gained popularity not so long ago, but modern people actively use their favorite literature, especially the Bible, to get advice on an issue of interest and make the right decision in difficult situations. This fortune-telling is considered the simplest - you just need to mentally ask a question, and also guess the page number and the paragraph / line that will answer it.

And finally, numerology is a mysterious science and the most popular fortune-telling that deciphers the numerical values of letters and numbers. With the help of numerology, you can find out your life purpose, compatibility with a partner, career opportunities, as well as a deeper understanding of the processes that govern the life of a fortuneteller.
