Children Of Lyudmila Gurchenko: Photo

Children Of Lyudmila Gurchenko: Photo
Children Of Lyudmila Gurchenko: Photo

Lyudmila Gurchenko in an interview did not like to answer questions about her marriages. And the actress had six of them. In the second marriage, the only daughter was born, about whom Gurchenko also preferred not to talk.

Children of Lyudmila Gurchenko: photo
Children of Lyudmila Gurchenko: photo

A star named Lucy

Lyudmila Gurchenko is often called the lump of Russian cinema. She left being a phenomenal actress. But at the same time, she remained just Lucy. This was the name of her not only close people, but also fans. And the actress, who did not like pathos in her address, liked it.

Gurchenko has played over a hundred roles. And in everyone on the screen, it was organic. In personal life, not everything was so rosy. In the role of mother and wife, she was never able to fully reveal her talent.


Six marriages and one daughter

Gurchenko was outstanding not only on the set, but also in life. She knew how to impress men. It is not surprising that she has six official marriages behind her. In addition to legitimate husbands, there were many fans, including influential ones.

With her second husband, from whom her only daughter was born, Gurchenko met shortly after the first divorce. The stately Georgian Boris Andronikashvili was studying to be a screenwriter at that time. A stormy romance broke out between the young people. In 1958, Gurchenko and Andronikashvili got married. At first they lived happily. The idyll ended with the birth of a child.

The only daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on June 5, 1959. The girl was named Maria. After the birth of the child, Andronikashvili began to linger more often at work. Soon Gurchenko learned from "kind people" that her husband spends time in the company of young girls. Convinced of the truth of the rumors, Lyudmila filed for divorce.


Having run away, Andronikashvili and Gurchenko went headlong into their careers. In the early 60s, she went uphill for both. None of them thought about little Mary then. The girl was sent to Kharkov, to Lyudmila's parents. It was on the shoulders of the grandparents that Mary's upbringing fell.

Difficult relationship

When Maria was three years old, Gurchenko decided to take her daughter to her. However, due to frequent tours, the girl still hardly saw her mother. Maria was looked after by neighbors. It was then that the girl became jealous of her mother's work. At the same time, the father was not interested in his daughter at all. Maria carried her grudge against her parents throughout her life.

Soon the girl returned to Kharkov again. She was much more comfortable with her grandparents than with her stellar mother. When the time came for the girl to go to school, Gurchenko took her back again. From the age of 9, Maria became independent. She lived alone in an apartment while her mother was actively touring the Union.

Soon Maria read her mother's interview. In it, she stated that she had always dreamed of a son, and the birth of her daughter greatly upset her and because of this she even cried for several days. For a ten-year-old girl, this revelation was a strong blow.


The relationship took a turn for the worse when Maria entered her teens. Close families recalled that the daughter contradicted Gurchenko in everything. She completely refused the bright and expensive outfits that she brought her from overseas tours. The girl preferred unpretentious trousers to fashionable dresses. Maria also refused to use cosmetics. The girl did everything so as not to stand out from the rest. This position did not like Gurchenko, who loved to shine on stage and in life. On this basis, quarrels often occurred between mother and daughter.

Gurchenko wanted her daughter to match her and inherit her talents: plasticity, voice, acting. But Maria did not live up to the expectations of the actress on any point.


In order to completely suppress the mother's attempts to make her likeness out of her, the girl secretly became a student at a medical school. After graduation, she got a job in a children's oncological clinic. Nobody knew that she was Gurchenko's daughter.

While Maria was growing up, Gurchenko managed to get married and divorced twice. This also left an imprint on the daughter's behavior. However, the girl had a better relationship with her stepfathers than with her own mother.

A gap of 19 years

At the age of 18, Maria married her peer Alexander Korolev. After the wedding, she took her husband's surname, which Gurchenko did not like. She didn't like her son-in-law either.

Soon Maria gave birth to weather children - Mark and Elena. Gurchenko adored and pampered her grandchildren. It was clear that she wanted to give them a lot of her love, which her daughter was deprived of as a child.

Soon there was a serious conflict between Gurchenko and his son-in-law. Because of this, the daughter's family fell apart. Maria and Alexander divorced, but later signed again. Maria blamed her mother for this disorder. She could not forgive her and decided to stop communicating.

Mother and daughter have not spoken for 19 years. Gurchenko did not show it, but it was hard to worry about this break. Once in an interview, the actress admitted: "I'm no mother!" Maria refrained from commenting, although journalists pounded her doorsteps. She learned about the death of her own mother from the news.


On November 8, 2017, Mary Queen passed away. She died of a heart attack in the entrance of her own house. The woman lay for about an hour before neighbors found her. On the eve of her death, Maria managed to star in a popular talk show, where she admitted that she had forgiven her mother long ago.
