Fragrant flowers are essential in the garden. Fragrant plants give a good mood, positive emotions, memories. They allow you to relax, cope with stress, and finally, it has a depressing effect on bacteria. In the garden, it is customary to plant them near recreation areas, at the entrance to the house, in the front gardens.

Step 1
Here are just some of the representatives of the "scented academy" that will not be so difficult to grow and care for.
Mattiola two-horned or night violet is an unpretentious one-year-old shy girl who radiates aroma in the evening. Sowing is carried out in the ground in May. Plants that bloom at the end of June and until September will delight you with a charming aroma.

Step 2
Mignonette, grown as an annual crop, is an evening and night scent. The most ordinary-looking and very fragrant is the old variety Reseda fragrant. New varieties have almost lost their aroma, exchanging it for beauty. Sowing mignonette in May, it will bloom at the end of July.

Step 3
Fragrant tobacco is grown through seedlings. Its fragrant aromas intensify in the evening hours. Bloom from July to frost. The color is white, crimson, red.

Step 4
Sweet peas are among the most popular aromatic climbing annuals. His varieties are tall and undersized of a wide variety of colors. He is a little whimsical to grow. Sweet peas love fertile soil, sun, watering. Needs support. But all this is more than compensated for by its unsurpassed delicate aroma, which lasts from late July to autumn frosts.

Step 5
Monarda is a worthy perennial with flowers of an original shape, of various colors, blooming in July-August. But the monarda has not so much flowers as leaves that emit a strong mint aroma.

Step 6
Phlox bloom in mid-summer and captivate with aroma until September. These are perennials with varieties of various colors. Unpretentious, winter-hardy plants. Phlox height varies from 40 to 120 cm.