Predictions Of Nostradamus For

Predictions Of Nostradamus For
Predictions Of Nostradamus For

Michel de Nostradam (1503-1566) - French pharmacist and soothsayer who managed to predict many historical events that took place in the world many years after his death. Many modern interpreters of Nostradamus's quatrains are trying to decipher his predictions. Dr. Edmond Fourier is one of them. He claims that he was able to interpret some of the little-known prophecies of Nostradamus and global events should happen in 2015.

Predictions of Nostradamus for 2015
Predictions of Nostradamus for 2015

Predictions for 2015

The invention of the "new engine"


Nostradamus said that humanity will invent a "new engine" that will unite people, as during the construction of the Tower of Babel. It turns out that language barriers should disappear, and people from different parts of the planet will be able to freely communicate and understand each other. Interpreters of the prophecies of Nostradamus argue that this prediction is associated with the invention of computers and the Internet. It is believed that this invention will soon lead to the fact that nationalities will completely disappear in the world.

The rich will die multiple times


This prediction refers to the global financial crisis, which began to pick up steam since 2008. It is believed that the crisis in the global economy will continue to worsen and many rich people will lose their fortune.

Mount Vesuvius eruption


Nostradamus predicted a major eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which is expected to occur in late 2015 - early 2016. It will be a huge natural disaster, many people will die, multiple earthquakes will occur and the Earth will plunge into darkness for several days.

Sleeping sickness will kill a billion people


In the summer of 2015, a terrible epidemic of an unknown disease will begin in African countries, which will begin to spread throughout the world at a tremendous speed. There will be no cure for it and people will start dying.

New predictions of Nostradamus about the future

People will live to be 200


Thanks to advances in medicine, the average life expectancy of a person will increase to 200 years, and at 80, people will look 50.

Parents will need permission to have a child


Humanity will face the problem of overpopulation of the Earth. Parents will not be able to have a child without special consent. Who and how will regulate this process, Nostradamus did not mention, and Dr. Fourier did not decipher.

A source of cheap energy will be invented


According to the prophecies, this will be the energy of the Sun. Nostradamus talks about a satellite that will fly in the earth's orbit and provide humanity with cheap energy.

Earthquake in the USA


This catastrophe will begin as a major earthquake, which will soon escalate into a supervolcano eruption. Thousands of people will die. Many cities will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

People will begin to understand the language of animals

With the development of telepathy and psychic abilities, humanity will better understand animals and learn to read their minds. There will be many vegetarians in the world who will actively fight the killing of animals for food.

Healing will come from the East


The technology-driven medical approach will no longer be relevant. It will be replaced by methods that will confirm the victory of the spiritual principle. Modern technologies will be replaced by ancient Chinese medicine. It will allow a person to heal his body from any disease on his own.

The number of men loving men will quadruple


Many centuries ago Nostradamus predicted what is happening in the world today. The number of homosexual unions continues to grow from year to year.

Pope will be killed

The next dad will be a strong charismatic person. He will be killed while traveling abroad. This event will literally shake the whole world and lead to a holy war. Churches in their usual form will cease to exist, but people will continue to pray and establish their personal relationship with God.

The sons of God and man will mingle


Angels will increasingly descend to Earth and communicate with mere mortals. They will openly live and preach among people, but the end of the world will come anyway. According to the predictions of Nostradamus, this will happen in 2436.
