Becoming a creative person is easy. See what the master is doing and repeat. Why is it that so few people achieve professionalism and success?

Duckling syndrome
The duckling takes any moving object for its mother, follows it and tries to repeat its actions. So a beginner in art blindly imitates an idol and is afraid to formulate a personal point of view.
It is normal to be guided by authorities, but for the development of style it is more useful to analyze the works, highlighting the most and least successful features in them. In order not to judge art one-sidedly, it is worth focusing not on a single master, but on several. Let the views contradict each other! By studying the opposites, you will quickly come to your own vision.
Too much information
A drama club, a photo circle … You are subscribed to hundreds of publics about art, in each of them there are 50 posts a day, in total you will have to watch 5,000 photos daily. It's not about learning anything.
Don't be afraid to miss an important post! Drown out information noise and limit yourself to the amount of information that you can process.
Every day fascinates with new things: painting, photography, felting, embroidery, interior design. There are enough materials, but the work is worth it. Why?
It's normal to have a lot of hobbies. Such people of the Renaissance era are called scanners. You are probably smart and well-read, have a broad outlook and can do a lot. The question is, are you satisfied with yourself? If you want to achieve more, you have to prioritize and focus on what is important at the moment.
You save beautiful pictures for the future. The browser is bursting with bookmarks, and VK albums - from numerous saves. Where are the results?
What are you waiting for? The sooner you start working, the sooner you will enjoy the result. Are you afraid of mistakes? Correct as you learn. Practice every day to get results.
A person cannot be productive 24/7. If you are tired of studying and practicing, you need a break. Do something uncreative: clean up, visit relatives, pay bills, go shopping, or laze around. Give your brain time to rest and return to work when you feel energized.