The choice of fishing line for spinning fishing is one of the main conditions for successful fishing. This is especially true for a novice angler who is standing on the "zero kilometer" of this long and exciting journey. After all, familiar fishermen advise one option, and sales assistants in stores are completely different. In addition, the wide range of thematic products does not allow you to study in detail all the nuances associated with the correct choice of fishing line. Therefore, you should take into account several practical tips for choosing the color, thickness, strength and material of the fishing line, which can help you make the most optimal decision based on the specific conditions of fishing.

Since at present the range of fishing lines is wide enough and takes into account almost any fishing conditions, it is necessary to choose this type of tackle very carefully, keeping in mind that the whole outcome of this kind of leisure depends on it. It is important to understand that there is simply no universal fishing line for all occasions in nature. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the basic conditions of fishing, which will play the role of factors determining the outcome of fishing.
Main parameters of the line
Despite the fact that the color of the line is not so important when choosing it, this nuance should still be taken into account. In this case, consider the following:
- for a reservoir with a sandy bottom, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of a transparent or sandy fishing line;
- fishing in clear water should be accompanied by the use of a gray or marsh-colored fishing line;
- fishing line of brown or green color will best match the muddy bottom of the reservoir and the abundant amount of algae in it;
- when wiring, dark fishing line will be undesirable, since it is difficult to notice;
- the yellow line is always very visible;
- pink and white shades, as well as fluorescent line are good enough for effective control of the wiring.

In order to make the best choice of fishing line, it is necessary to proceed from certain rules for determining its thickness. In this context, the following facts must be taken into account:
- line diameter from 0, 20 mm to 0, 25 mm is ideal for fishing small-sized fish; in this case, the transparency of the water in the reservoir and its sandy bottom are also important, in the presence of which the thickness of the fishing line can be reduced to the limits from 0, 12 mm to 0, 14 mm (it is advisable to use ultralight rods);
- the rod test determines the thickness of the fishing line as follows: 1, 5-12 grams - 0, 12-0, 16 mm, up to 30 grams - 0, 25-0, 30 mm;
- the strength of the fishing line and, accordingly, its thickness directly depend on the mass of the baits (24 grams - 0.27 mm, 37 grams - 0.35 mm, 45 grams - 0.40 mm);
- other factors listed below.
The choice of fishing line by material of manufacture
According to the material of manufacture, fishing line is divided into monofilament, braided (cord) and fluorocarbon.
The mono-line is suitable for catching almost any fish, and therefore this tackle has a very high demand in the consumer market. It is made from nylon and its choice depends on the following parameters:
- breaking load (unit of measurement - kg, depends on the diameter of the line; for example, a fish weighing up to one kilogram is caught on a line with a thickness of 0, 12 mm);
- color (depends on the fishing conditions, transparent fishing line can be considered universal);
- diameter (a real indicator of this parameter, since indicators that do not correspond to reality may be indicated in the manufacturer's marking);
- quality (the integrity and smoothness of the fishing line, confirming its constant indicator of thickness along the entire length, are the most important quality indicator).
The objective advantages of a monofilament fishing line can be confidently attributed to the fact that it does not change its quality characteristics at low temperatures of water and air, does not create much resistance during wiring, is suitable for use as leashes, is elastic enough and perfectly dampens fish jerks, has sufficient camouflage for fish, ideal for fishing in waters with an uneven bottom (stones, driftwood, algae and shell rock), and its slippery surface eliminates the rapid wear of the rings of the spinning rig. The economic factor is also an important point, because monofilament line differs from its competitors in the most democratic prices.
The significant disadvantages of this line include the loss of quality characteristics under the influence of direct sunlight, small breaking loads of lines of small diameters, the presence of memory (for example, when it leaves the spool, it has a ring-shaped appearance), as well as the presence of specific stretching, which directly affects the sensitivity of the rod to bite.

The next type of fishing line is the so-called "braid" or "cord". In this case, several polymer filaments, specially impregnated and, as a rule, having a sheath, are woven into a bundle. This design feature allows, all other things being equal, to significantly increase the strength (at least twice).
Braid has a number of advantages:
- high strength;
- a wide range of colors;
- there is no "memory", which allows the line to take its original position regardless of manipulations with it;
- there is no longitudinal elasticity (the fishing line does not stretch), which allows you to save the tackle in conditions of the hooks of the bait for the unevenness of the bottom of the reservoir and increase the sensitivity of the rig;
- special impregnation may include, among other things, such compositions in which not only the technical parameters of the product are improved, but also the flavors contained in them are able to attract the attention of fish.
However, the braid also has disadvantages:
- rigidity (non-extensibility) affects the distribution of the total load from the resistance of the fish in the water on the rod, which can fail with strong jerks of large specimens;
- lack of a transparent braid; any color scheme will be noticeable to the fish in any case;
- high water absorption means special operating conditions that require drying;
- loses functionality at low temperatures (starting from -4 ° C); this especially affects the elasticity;
- the cost of the braid is higher than that of a monofilament line, but the service life may be shorter.
The next representative of the fishing net is fluorocarbon tackle. Its belonging to the more expensive segment of the line and the lower strength of the relatively competitive types has led to the fact that it has received the greatest application as a leader material.
The obvious advantages of a fluorocarbon line include the following:
- camouflage (invisibility in the water for fish) directly affects the number of bites;
- the strength of the fishing line allows, with the appropriate thickness, to use it even for leashes when fishing for pike;
- resistance to temperatures and mechanical stress allows you to use this type of fishing line for fishing in any climatic conditions and in the presence of irregularities in the bottom of the reservoir;
- rigidity of the fishing line (guaranteed absence of tangling of the fishing line under any conditions);
- the elasticity of the material (low coefficient of specific stretching) creates favorable conditions for the high sensitivity of the fishing tackle.
Among the disadvantages of fluorocarbon fishing line, in addition to its economic indicator, it is necessary to highlight the rigidity, because of which there are special difficulties in knotting (their increased size is not always justified). In addition, its breaking load is inferior to its competitors. Therefore, this tackle is widely used in ultralight spinning fishing.
Fishing for pike and perch
When fishing for pike, you should choose a fishing line in favor of a cord, the diameter of which ranges from 0.16 mm to 0.20 mm. Since frequent and unjustifiably active casting of gear, typical for beginners, as a rule, leads to its failure, it is recommended for this category of fishermen to use the economy option. As a color scheme for such a fishing line, preference should be given to brown or green. For long casts, as well as jig fishing and twitching, it is the braid that will be the most optimal.
If, nevertheless, we consider a monofilament line when fishing for pike, then its use is most justified when fishing with spinning and oscillating spoons. In this case, a line diameter between 0.28 mm and 0.35 mm should be used. By the way, many monofilament line manufacturers make special markings on the packaging.

Since large perch species are quite rare, for this kind of fishing you can use a braid with a diameter of 0.1 mm or a monofilament fishing line with a thickness of up to 0.3 mm.
If we talk about the use of ultralight spinning, then it should be remembered that it is intended for fishing with lures weighing less than 10 grams. In such a case, it is important to consider the breaking load. Here, a braid with a diameter of 0.13 mm or a mono line, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.2 mm, is ideal.
Line manufacturer selection
Since the world leaders in this segment of the consumer market always put up a rather impressive price tag for their branded products, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with their list. By the way, the brands Power Pro and Salmo Elite Braid are among the most reliable and reasonably affordable.

Browning Cenex Feeda Line, Salmo Specialist Feeder, Shimano Technium Spinning, Reflo Power Max can certainly be considered the leaders in the field of mono-wood production.
The best manufacturers of braided lines are Fire Line, TUF Line, PowerPro, Sunline Deep one, Spiderwire, Salmo Elite Braid.
As for the manufacturers of fluorocarbon lines, the preference should be given to Snuline FC SWS Small game, Owner Fluorocarbon, YGK Geso X Leader, Sunline New Super FC Sniper.
And it is important to remember that you should count on a successful catch not only when the optimal type of fishing line is chosen. After all, fishing depends on many factors.