Family relationships, as well as their development and painstaking construction - is always a very difficult occupation. People know this now, and our ancestors knew about it. That is why many famous personalities have said and will talk about the family and its members, sometimes very apt and thoughtful things.

The most famous aphorisms about the family
Unfortunately, the author of the following words is not known - “only when you suddenly realize that you cannot afford the maintenance of a large family at all, unfortunately, you have already been married for a long time”.
The authorship of Igor Guberman owns such aphorisms as “The family is the same theater, where it is no coincidence that all peoples of the world and times have an easier entrance, but the exit is very difficult” and “There is only one reason for the fact that a certain family has a crack.: in a wife then a woman awoke, and in a husband a real man fell asleep."
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said the following about the family - "Absolutely all existing happy families are similar to one another, and every unhappy family is always unhappy in its own way" and "A moral person has always had a difficult family relationship, but an immoral one is always smooth." …
Thus, many aphorisms written long ago can help a modern person to understand difficult situations within their own family.
The Greek Democritus owns the following words: “Only the one who gets a good son-in-law will find a real son, and the one who gets a bad one will lose his own daughter”, Aeschylus said “The power of kinship and strong friendship is great”, and Guy Sallust Crispus - “Who in the world a greater friend, if not a brother to a brother?"
The following statement by Publius Sira has survived to this day: "If the father is kind, love him, and if he is angry, bear it."
Less well-known, but no less accurate aphorisms of wise people
Confucius owns the following saying - "He who cannot add to the good of his family, will not be able to learn anything himself."
And in the biblical Old Testament such instruction to people is written - "Be fruitful and multiply, and, filling the earth, subdue it."
Huan Yun-Jiao said the following about the family - “My heart is always dear: an economical woman, an obedient elder son, a respectful daughter-in-law, as well as a young man who loves to talk to old people.” foundations, women get married again."
The words of Francis Bacon have come down to our times, "Family relationships are almost always destructive for public relations," and Robert Burton - "Every crow on earth considers only its chick the most beautiful in the world."
And, finally, the words of Arthur Schopenhauer - “I can attribute to the advantages of polygamy, among other things, the fact that only it excludes collisions with the wife's parents so necessary in the case of monogamy, fear of which keeps many marriages from ruining. On the other hand, a relationship with 10 mother-in-law instead of one is not the most pleasant prospect."