How To Make A Real Bow

How To Make A Real Bow
How To Make A Real Bow

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Archery is one of the most exciting sports available to almost everyone, and in the company of nature, it can be a great way to relax and have fun. Moreover, a real bow can be made in just a couple of hours.

How to make a real bow
How to make a real bow

It is necessary

  • - Hazel bar,
  • - nylon non-stretching cable,
  • - a rasp or a more suitable tool for wood carving,
  • - nylon threads.


Step 1

To get started, you need a fairly large piece of wood. Hazel is best suited as a material. You can use oak, birch or ash. The bowstring can be made of lavsan or linen thread. It should be borne in mind that the linen bowstring is not designed for long-range shooting. A nylon or steel cable cast in elastic plastic is well suited.

Step 2

Next, you need to cut out the body. Its frame will be in the shape of an arc. In its middle, you need to cut a handle to make the bow easier to use. A rasp is suitable for cutting; 2 layers of veneer, half a millimeter each, can be glued to the tips of the bow. Then you need to round it off and leave small grooves for the bowstring.

Step 3

Then the bowstring itself is attached, which should be 4 centimeters less than the length of the bow itself. 2 nails are driven into a wooden beam at a distance of the required length for a bowstring. Then the thread is taken and fastened with the free end without a knot on the first nail, and wound in a circle for about 5 turns. Make sure that the thread does not sag when winding, and that the tension is uniform. Then the thread is cut and the ends of the string are tied. The future thread is divided into two strands, the middle of each of which is wrapped with a nylon thread. The ends of the bowstring are also wrapped. After that, two loops are formed, with which the thread is attached to the bow. If the hinges do not fit, then they can be increased or decreased.

Step 4

Then you can make the appropriate finish and give the handle a comfortable shape. The onion can be considered ready.
