Among modern needlewomen, the art of felting is gaining more and more popularity - the creation of various crafts from felt. Among such crafts can be a variety of things - from jewelry, brooches and hats to scarves, hats and clothing, not counting toys, small sculptures and household utensils. In this article, we will tell you how to make a beautiful lily with your own hands using the wet felting technique. This lily can be used as a brooch, hair jewelry or gift to close friends.

Step 1
Purchase special wool for felting green, white and yellow shades. You will also need packaging polyethylene, a soapy solution in a spray bottle, scissors, a safety pin, and felting needles.
Step 2
Take a narrow lock of green wool and tear it into six equal-sized pieces. Lay the wool fibers in a star shape, starting from the center, on a sheet of plastic wrap to form the sepals of the flower.
Step 3
Lay the wool fibers in layers until each strand is thick enough. Three to four layers of wool are enough for the product to be durable.
Step 4
After the strands are styled, use a spray bottle to moisten the wool with soapy water. Pinch the tips of the leaves with your fingers, making them narrow and sharp. Put another sheet of polyethylene on top of the sprocket, and twist the resulting structure into a tube.
Step 5
Tie it up with an elastic band and start rolling it on the table with your palms back and forth. You need to roll the tube many times in order for the wool to begin to fall off. Remove the elastic, unfold the plastic and remove the blank. Rub it with your fingers and palms, crumple and roll until the coat is thicker.
Step 6
Make sure the entire sprocket surface is completely matted. Rinse the work piece under cold running water. While the workpiece is not dry, place it with the middle on your finger and twist around it to make it bulky. After that, lay the sepals to dry and start working on the petals.
Step 7
Take white wool and start spreading the thin fibers onto the polyethylene. Continue to lay out the fibers, laying the layers perpendicular to each other until the coat is thick and dense enough. Give the shape a circle.
Step 8
Then in the center of the white wool shape, place a few fibers of green wool, giving them a star shape and guiding from the center to the edge. Moisten the blank with soapy water, as you did last time, and form an even circle with your fingers. Then again put a sheet of polyethylene on top, twist it into a tube and tie it with an elastic band, and then repeatedly roll the tube with your palms on the table.
Step 9
Add a figurine between the palms and form the petals. To do this, first shape the circle into a triangle by pulling on three sides. Make the tips of the triangles sharp and elongated. Twist the blank around your finger to make it bulkier, put it in a bag and squeeze it in the palm of your hand.
Step 10
Rinse the petals and lay to dry. While the first three petals are drying, make exactly the same second shape of three petals with green veins.
Step 11
To create a pistil of a flower, take a small strand of yellow wool, spray it with a solution and, folding it several times, roll it over the plastic. Rinse the pestle in water.
Step 12
Wait for all the details of the flower to dry. Thread the needle and sew all the pieces together. At the very bottom, there should be sepals, then larger petals, then smaller petals, and finally, sew a pistil into the center of the lily. On the back of the flower, you can attach a brooch pin.