In all educational institutions where natural sciences are studied, students are taught a course in quantum mechanics. Quantum field theory describes the structural features of the matter surrounding us at the level of elementary particles - electrons, protons, neutrons and others. One of the founders of the wave-particle theory is Erwin Schrödinger, a scientist from Austria.

Upbringing and education
To represent processes and phenomena that cannot be seen with the eyes, a person needs special qualities. Almost all theoretical physicists known to date had and still have a rich imagination. Erwin Schrödinger, a famous and titled scientist, formulated some kind of equation that allows you to determine the location of an electron at a particular moment in time. It is possible to check the truth of this formula only with the help of special instruments and methods.
Schrödinger's biography is unique, as is the field of application of his intellect. The child was born in the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The family of a wealthy manufacturer belonged to high society and Erwin from a young age was introduced to wealth and culture. His father owned a rubber goods factory and showed a keen interest in scientific activities. The maternal grandfather was a renowned chemical scientist and taught at the Vienna University of Technology. It is not surprising that the boy, who grew up in an intellectual environment, developed a wide range of interests and a taste for research work.
Until the age of ten, Erwin was educated at home. And when the time came to socialize, he was assigned to a gymnasium. It was a prestigious Imperial educational institution, where mainly humanities were taught. Young Herr Schrödinger studied easily, without much stress. In the class, he always turned out to be the best student and, quite naturally, got used to this status. Grandmother taught the little boy to perfection in English and a little later introduced him to classical theater.
Science and life
Erwin Schrödinger's scientific career began in his second year at the University of Vienna. At the beginning of the 20th century, the science of the structure of matter developed rapidly. Scientists have come close to discovering the planetary model of the atom. The topic of research captivated the young specialist and set the vector of his work for many years. Within the walls of the university, Schrödinger mastered the methods of mathematical physics and wrote a dissertation on the effect of moisture on the properties of dielectrics. The measured conduct of experiments was prevented by the First World War. The young scientist was called up for service. Fortunately, he did not die and returned home after the end of hostilities.
The following years contributed little to scientific research. However, the young and promising scientist was noticed in Europe. Erwin Schrödinger has been invited to various positions in prestigious centers. He had to work in Zurich, Oxford and Dublin. For his great contribution to the development of atomic theory, Schrödinger received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933. During the Second World War, the eminent scientist had to think more about his own safety than about his professional activities.
The personal life of the Nobel laureate has developed outside the box. Back in 1920, he married Annemarie Bertel. The husband and wife lived together for the rest of their lives. God did not give them children. However, Erwin had three children on the side. The wife often suffered from depression due to the excessive love of her husband. This fact indirectly emphasizes the versatility of Schrödinger's interests.