Usually pike is taken for spinning in the summer. In this case, you can use different baits: wobblers, vibrotails, metal baits. You can also try a float rod with live bait. But there is a very interesting old way - fishing for pike with girders. You don't even need to watch them, because the pike will be caught on its own. Put the girders in the evening, and in the morning you will catch.

Zerlitsa are a kind of traps for predatory fish, their design can be different, there are even winter zerlitsa, as well as floating circles. But everyone has one principle of catching pike - the predator grabs the live bait and swallows it, after which it cannot swim away. it is held by a strong fishing line, which is wound around the girder itself.
The simplest girders are flyers made of a tree knot in the shape of the letter Y. A small split is made in the narrow part, in which the fishing line is held until the pike pulls it out. Live bait catches on the hook behind the back or through the gills, the main thing is that it stays afloat and is active longer. 3-4 m of fishing line is unwound, fixed in the cleft, and live bait is released into the reservoir. The girder itself is hung on a stick driven into the bottom of shallow water or into the shore, but better on the branches of a tree hanging over the water. It is more convenient to do this by boat. When 5-10 vents are installed, you can go home. When the pike grabs the fish and swallows it, it swims away, pulls the line out of the cleft and unwinds it to the end. There is nowhere to swim further, a little beaten, the predator gets tired and calmly waits for the fisherman.
In the morning the girders are checked. Again, this is best done by boat. If you see that you have caught a pike, take it out, and put live bait on the hook again. Fishing for pike with girders is very productive, so anglers take pike with them in winter as well. The design of winter gutters is different, but it is very convenient to fish with them.