Do I Need To Study Academic Drawing In Order To Draw Well

Do I Need To Study Academic Drawing In Order To Draw Well
Do I Need To Study Academic Drawing In Order To Draw Well

Academic drawing classes for novice artists sometimes seem too complicated, boring and unnecessary. But only one who has perfectly mastered the techniques of his craft can become a real master. Therefore, before deciding whether you need an academic drawing or not, ask yourself the question - why do you want to learn to draw at all? It depends on your goal whether to enroll in a studio or a circle or not.

Do I need to study academic drawing in order to draw well
Do I need to study academic drawing in order to draw well

Talent won't go anywhere

Aspiring artists often fear that their talent will be lost due to excessive attention to academic drawing. Recognized masters, on the contrary, argue that originality cannot be lost if it really exists. Quite the opposite, the artist must be fluent in the technique of drawing, this will give him the opportunity to choose techniques in accordance with his creative intention. In the classroom of academic drawing, a novice artist masters the basics of the craft, that is, creates the foundation for his own development.

The myths that "extra" knowledge destroys the creative individuality also exist among novice writers.

Why do you need the ability to draw?

Academic drawing training is a lengthy and not always cheap process. Before signing up for a studio or art school evening, think about what exactly you want to learn. There are special art courses for those who want to come up with designs for embroidery, create clothing models, etc. They don't teach academic drawing there.

An amateur fashion designer or an amateur master of decorative and applied arts learns to depict what he has invented on paper, to create compositions for embroidery, painting on wood, drawing for embossing, studying the properties of various materials and the peculiarities of their processing. Academic drawing is useful in this case, but not necessary.

If you want to create works of easel painting or sculpture, architectural projects - the skills that are formed in the classroom of classical drawing will be very useful to you.

If you are going to enroll in a higher or secondary specialty art school, you must have basic academic drawing skills.

Where to go to study

It is better to study academic drawing under the guidance of an experienced teacher. In a big city, you can find a suitable studio. They work most often at houses or palaces of culture. In addition, now many art schools and children's art houses are opening art courses for adults. Among other subjects in the program, there is usually an academic drawing.

If there is nothing suitable in your city or village, you can try to start learning on your own. Quite a lot of textbooks on academic drawing have been published.
