Learning to draw a nude body is best from life. With a sample at hand, you can remove proportions from it, study the structure, and more. However, you can try drawing from memory. Consider a male torso as an example.

It is necessary
a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser
Step 1
Place the sheet of paper vertically. With a simple pencil, start sketching. If the line you need does not come out, do not rush to erase. Better to draw several lines in one direction, lightly pressing on the pencil. Gradually clarify the direction you need and only then can you work a little with an eraser. Draw the line of the spine with a pencil, it is slightly curved. Then outline the ribcage and the pelvic area with a triangle.
Step 2
Start sketching out other details. On the "rib cage" mark the chest muscles with hexagons. On the sides of it, draw shoulders with light lines (choose their width yourself), mark the direction of the arms with vertical lines. From the "chest", from its notch, draw the press area, mark the sides. From the pelvic area, outline the directions of the legs. Don't draw these lines too thick, because you will be working on top of them.
Step 3
Now you can draw some muscles. You can increase them or leave them as in the sample. Draw the muscles of the shoulders, give a more rounded shape to the muscles of the chest, mark the cubes of the press, draw the navel, which will be located between the third and fourth row of "cubes". Approximately from the third row of "cubes" begins the V-shaped muscle, the lines of which go into the groin.
Step 4
Next, draw the arms and legs yourself. When drawing, use ovals as a sketch, they better convey the shape of the human body. In general, in order to draw a naked body well, you need the practice of drawing from life or copying drawings and photographs. If possible, try drawing more athletic figures from life, paying attention to the structure and direction of the muscles. In the future, this will help draw people of any body weight. Notice the structure of the body of each person, pay attention to the curves of his body and try to convey this all as accurately as possible in your drawing.