For many years the nude genre has attracted not only photographers, sculptors and filmmakers, but also artists - the image of a beautiful naked body was a cult even in antiquity and is no less popular today. A beautiful and thoughtful drawing of a nude figure can become a real art if you approach the drawing process correctly and know the drawing technique. With knowledge of this technique, you can even sketch out a beautiful sketch of a naked body in any technique in five minutes.

Step 1
Prepare heavy drawing paper, a thin brush, a wide brush, and acrylics and oil pastels. Find two harmonious paint colors and create an abstract background on a piece of paper. Abstractness is very important for the full perception of the picture and for the self-valuable depiction of nudity.
Step 2
Do not paint any interior details, landscapes, objects or accessories. The female figure should look organic and attractive against your abstract background. Determine how best to position the model for the composition of the drawing and which parts of the body should be hidden and which should be exposed.
Step 3
Ask the model to take the desired pose and within three minutes draw the main sketch, defining the silhouette of the model's body and creating the basis for the composition of the future painting. When painting a woman's body, do not use black.
Step 4
It is best to use light oil pastels - the woman's skin tone should be lighter than the main background of the painting. Thus, you will give the picture liveliness and naturalness.
Step 5
Draw the outline of the body with short and dashed lines, practically without tearing the pastel chalk from the paper. The lines should appear spontaneously and correspond to the curves of the female body. Having completely drawn the outline of the figure, additionally draw some lines that need to be accentuated, and then continue detailing the silhouette.
Step 6
Pay particular attention to drawing the chest, neck and abdomen - these are the most important elements of the nude figure, on which its perception depends.
Step 7
Add just one element to the picture that emphasizes the feminine beauty and completes the composition - a ribbon, a flower, a mug, and the like. It also brings life to the picture.
Step 8
Refine the drawing - eliminate what you don't like and add fragments of light and shadow. Do not overdo it - remember that a truly talented nude drawing should be minimalistic, but bright and speaking.