The Snow Queen amazed the boy Kai with her cold beauty. There is no exact description of the Snow Queen in Andersen's tale, so everyone can draw her as they imagine. Since she rules the northern countries, she wears luxurious fur garments adorned with precious stones, and on her head she wears a crystal crown.

It is necessary
- - a simple pencil;
- - watercolor paints;
- - 2 squirrel or core brushes;
- - paper for watercolors;
- - a picture of a woman in a long dress.
Step 1
Start by drawing a female figure. With the sheet upright, draw a vertical, straight line in the middle. Make marks at the ends. Divide the line into 6 equal parts. The top section is for the head, the rest is for the torso, legs and neck. Since fairy queens wear long dresses, there is no need to draw legs. Therefore, mark the length of the neck (about ¼ of the second segment from the top) and the waist (the middle of the vertical line or slightly below). In the top segment, draw a regular oval.

Step 2
Draw the neck. They are just two identical short vertical lines symmetrically positioned about the axis. From the bottom points, draw the shoulders - short lines going down at a slight slope.

Step 3
The torso and legs are most conveniently drawn based on a shape that resembles a trapezoid. You already have the upper base - these are the shoulders. Draw a long horizontal line through the lowest point of the central vertical with a thin hard pencil, connect the ends to the ends of the shoulders.
Step 4
Draw a belt. Its width can be any, length - too, but do not forget that the Snow Queen is a slender graceful lady, so her waist should not be wide. Connect the ends of the belt with smooth curves to the end points of the lower horizontal. Draw a wavy line at the bottom of the hem.
Step 5
The queen's arms can simply be lowered down. They end approximately in the middle of the third segment from the bottom. However, your heroine can hold an ice scepter or, say, a fan - then one arm will be bent at the elbow. In any case, make fur cuffs on the sleeves, and a fur trim on the bottom of the dress.

Step 6
An important attribute of royal power is the crown. It can be in the form of a kokoshnik or a diadem. Kokoshnik is best done with a straight top. If you're drawing a tiara, think about your queen's hairstyle. It should be smooth. Braids and curls are for Snow Maidens and young princesses.
Step 7
The Snow Queen has strict and regular facial features: a straight nose, large transparent blue eyes, lips that never smile. It is better to paint the face with watercolors right away.

Step 8
Color in the drawing. Start with large areas, that is, with an outfit. The Snow Queen also prefers cold colors in her clothes - bluish, greenish, lavender. Clothes can be iridescent. First fill the path with a solid blue color, for example. Draw the folds from the waist in dark blue. Make a small blur near each blue line. Fill the trim, cuffs and collar with light gray paint with the addition of silver. The crown can be the same.
Step 9
The Snow Queen has a very pale face without the slightest sign of blush. Of course, it cannot be completely white, so you need to paint it with very pale orange paint. Use a thin brush to paint the eyes, nose and mouth. The nose, by the way, will look more natural if you paint it not with black paint, but with the same paint that you used to fill your face, but a tone or two darker.