Snow Queen - even the words sound cold. The very same heroine from the tale of G. H. Andersen is truly an ice beauty. To match her and her castle - majestic and luxurious. For the image of the Snow Queen's castle, take all shades of the white and blue palette.

It is necessary
- - album sheet;
- - pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Draw out the outlines of the main objects with a pencil. To do this, draw a horizontal center line across the entire sheet. Place the main part of the drawing at the bottom of the landscape sheet. Divide the lower part into three more parts. Place the castle in the middle part of the picture, and the mountains in the left and right parts.
Step 2
Draw a castle. First draw a horizontal rectangle. Step back a third from the left edge of the top line of the rectangle. For the rest of it, draw another rectangle, positioned vertically on top of the large rectangle. The small one should be half the size of the large one.
Step 3
Draw four pillars in the bottom figure. Two are directly below the top rectangle, and two are to the left of them. Above them, draw triangles, the sides of which bend in the middle. Raise the sharp tops of the towers above the upper border of the horizontal rectangle so that they reach the middle of the vertical rectangle.
Step 4
Draw an arch on the right side of the lower rectangle, above it there are several pointed turrets slightly smaller than the main ones.
Step 5
On the second tier of the Snow Queen's castle, depict one very high and narrow tower and several small ones. Draw a clearer outline of the castle. Draw the second visors under the turrets. Draw a jagged brick pattern around the perimeter of the large rectangle. Draw flags on each tower.
Step 6
Cover the bottom of the Snow Queen's castle with conifers. To the left of the castle, depict the mountains reaching almost to the top of the castle. These will be several triangles covering each other. Draw low mountains on the right side. In front of them, in the foreground, draw a lot of snowy trees.
Step 7
Don't add warm tones. The exception will be the brick wall of the Snow Queen's castle.