How To Draw A Violin

How To Draw A Violin
How To Draw A Violin

Table of contents:


The romance and tenderness of such a musical instrument as the violin is noted by many. That is why it is necessary not only to play it, but also to depict it with great care, trying to convey the soul of the violin, which is not only an interesting, but also a difficult task for artists.

How to draw a violin
How to draw a violin

It is necessary

a sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or paints


Step 1

Draw a violin using not only paper and pencil, but also a marker, ruler, and colored markers. All this is needed to give the necessary proportions, size and shape to the instrument, but if you wish, you can use any other devices to make your drawing original and unusual.

Step 2

Draw the basic shape of the violin, and then connect it with other parts.

Step 3

Draw two straight, vertical lines.

Step 4

Draw the violin's neck with a thin, long, vertical rectangle, flat in the center and slightly smaller at the end.

Step 5

Make two perpendicular lines in the center, going to both sides (both right and left). Attach a rectangle to match the bottom.

Step 6

Add horizontal stripes on each side of the violin - aligning all the lines will create the overall look of the violin.

Step 7

Creating two D shapes from the violin's neck lets you add two horizontal rectangles at different corners to create the lower body of the violin.

Step 8

Add two rectangular shapes to the left and right and draw the violin strings with four vertical lines - they should be absolutely even.

Step 9

Erase overlapping and excess lines, as well as any unnecessary details to create a realistic drawing.

Step 10

Color the drawing, trying to convey the romance and passion of the violin. Use emotionally colored passion colors: bright red, aqua, or deep orange.

Step 11

Add a stylish look by retouching the remaining grayish outlines to create a completely original and unique drawing.

Step 12

Let the drawing dry well, and to highlight the personality of your instrument, you can decorate the violin's body with cartoon stickers, funny drawings or photographs.
