How To Make Plasticine With Your Own Hands

How To Make Plasticine With Your Own Hands
How To Make Plasticine With Your Own Hands

Stretching hands with modeling, a person not only develops fine motor skills, but also removes the accumulated fatigue and stress. The positive point is that the material for modeling can be made with your own hands and the whole family can be involved in the creative process.

How to make plasticine with your own hands
How to make plasticine with your own hands

The safest material (especially if children are involved in modeling) is salt dough. For cooking you will need: a small saucepan, wheat flour (400 g), fine salt (200 g), vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and warm water (250 ml). Pour in water, add salt and, stirring occasionally, add flour and butter. Knead the dough well until soft, place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

You can use food coloring to add rich colors to the dough. However, it is worth considering that during the sculpting process, your hands will get dirty. It is better to paint the finished craft. To make a dough product delight you longer, it should be baked in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees, and then varnished.

For those who are more interested in the process of fiddling with the mass than in the result, making "smart" plasticine is suitable. It is also popularly called "slime" in honor of the funny green monster from the movie "Ghostbusters". Sticky, elastic and bright - the slime will attract the attention of children of any age and will give you a lot of fun minutes.

To prepare slime you will need:

- liquid glue (stationery or wallpaper), - a couple of bottles of sodium tetraborate solution 4% (available at the pharmacy), - gouache or food coloring, - gloves, plastic container, - paper towel (large napkin), - stirring stick.

Put on gloves, pour 200 ml of glue into a container and mix with the dye until the desired color is obtained. Add sodium tetraborate solution while stirring. You should get a jelly-like sticky mass. Put the mass on a napkin and let it dry for two minutes. Then place in a plastic bag and knead well.

The slime can be stretched as you like, thrown up to the ceiling like a ball, or simply crumpled in your hand. Finger and hand recharge guaranteed. However, it should be remembered that such a toy cannot be tasted, licked, etc. Therefore, babies should play with the slime in the presence of adults.