How To Hold Chords

How To Hold Chords
How To Hold Chords

Table of contents:


The main problem that novice guitarists face is jamming difficult chords. However, don't think that the problem has no solution. There are several ways to speed up the process of getting your hands accustomed to playing, as well as to make it easier to play with complex chords.

How to hold chords
How to hold chords

It is necessary

  • - capo;
  • - nylon strings;
  • - expander.


Step 1

Buy a capo. This device allows you to use as a clip not your finger, but a special metal or silicone chip when playing. The device makes playing a lot easier if you are just starting to master the barre and complex chords for 4 fingers. Capo capos are of two types: static, which are clamped in a certain area to give the game the desired key, and active, which are used to switch from one key to another.

Step 2

Do special exercises for your fingers and hand. An expander is perfect for this purpose. It doesn't matter what kind - a rubber ring from the Soviet era or a modern version with many settings. The main thing is the regularity of the exercise. Take 15-25 minutes every day to warm up your arms. Also, don't forget brush exercises. If you do not develop the wrist joint, with a long game the hand will begin to grow numb and bring a lot of discomfort.

Step 3

Get nylon strings. It is really possible to make the first steps in the game easier with the help of such strings, since it takes much less force to clamp the chords on nylon, and thanks to the soft sound, your mistakes will be smoothed out. Make sure your guitar is suitable for nylon rigging. Otherwise, you should buy at least the cheapest western guitar. If you don't feel like buying this instrument, consider an electric guitar. The strings on this instrument are also softer than conventional acoustic guitars due to the lower tension, which also makes it easier to clamp.

Step 4

Play as much as possible. Despite the possible abundance of exercises, direct play is the best simulator. Many aspiring guitarists find it annoying when the sound "slips off" due to weak grip. Unfortunately, in this case, it is difficult to do anything more effective than continuing to exercise.
