Needlewomen have a sign that if you make a goldfish with your own hands, it will certainly bring happiness and good luck. Try to weave a figurine from beads, it will become a wonderful talisman and decoration.

Weaving the body of a fish
To weave a goldfish you will need:
- yellow beads;
- beads of dark and light orange shades;
- 2 beads of black color for the eyes;
- wire for beading;
- fishing line;
- a needle.
Cut a piece of wire about two meters long. The craft made in the technique of volumetric weaving from two tiers looks very impressive: upper and lower.
Start weaving with the body of the fish. Make it with light orange beads. String 4 beads onto the wire. Center them on the wire.
Pull one of its ends through 2 extreme beads so that you get a square, 2 beads of which will be the beginning of the upper tier, and 2 others - the lower one.
Next, type 4 beads on one end of the wire and pull the other side of the wire through them. Bend it in such a way that this row is located above the two beads of the first one. Pull the wire. Weave the lower tier in the same way, that is, string 4 beads, stretch the second end of the wire through them and pull.
In the third row, make the eyes of the fish. Cast on the left end of the wire 3 orange beads, then 1 black and 2 orange again. Pass the right side through them and tighten. Make the lower tier of the fish in the same way.
Fin weaving
For the fifth row, cast 10 beads for the top and bottom tiers and start weaving the fin. Do this using the needle technique. String 3 dark orange and 2 yellow beads onto the right end of the wire. Holding the last bead with your finger, pass this end of the wire in the opposite direction through the rest of the beads. On the left end of the wire, cast one orange and two yellow beads, and also pass the wire through this row, starting with the second bead.
In the next row, make 2 tiers for the body of a fish from 13 beads and weave a part of the upper fin using a needle technique from five orange and two yellow beads. On the opposite side, make a needle of the lower fin from 2 orange and 2 yellow beads.
In the eighth and ninth rows of the fish's body, the number of beads in the tiers should also be 13 pieces. For the top fin, cast on 4 orange and 3 yellow beads. For the bottom one, 2 beads are orange and 2 beads are yellow.
Start decreasing the number of beads in row 10. Cast on 12 beads for the tiers. For the upper fin - 4 orange and 2 yellow, the lower one - 2 orange and 2 yellow. In each next row, reduce the number of beads by 1 in a row. In row 12, finish making the fins.
After weaving the 12th row, give the fish a three-dimensional shape. Insert the pencil through the hole and straighten it, giving it a rounded shape.
In the 13th row, string 7 beads for each tier. In the 14th - 5 pieces each, while the wire does not tighten tightly. Cut 2 pieces of wire each 30 cm long and pull one of them through the middle three beads of this row. Tighten the wire. Bend the additional pieces to the side so that they do not interfere with the weaving. String 5 more beads onto the main wire, pull the second wire blank through the 3 middle beads and tighten the row.
Tail weave
The body of the fish is ready, you can start making the tail. String 16 orange beads on the first pair of wire segments, then 33 yellow beads and 16 orange again. Fold them in a loop and twist the ends of the wire under the beads. Make loops on the rest of the wire in the same way. Bend all protruding tips and hide inside the fish. Shape the tail and fins as desired.