How To Sing Correctly

How To Sing Correctly
How To Sing Correctly

Many people are proficient in the art of singing. Some can sing very well without any training, others need training and constant practice. If you think you can't sing, there are some tricks you can use to get it right.

How to sing correctly
How to sing correctly

Vocal range

To learn how to sing correctly, it is very important to determine the vocal range of your voice (baritone, tenor, soprano, double bass, etc.). It depends heavily on the shape and size of your larynx. You can learn to use it as efficiently as possible, producing a very clear sound as a result, but you will not be able to change its shape and size. Having understood what vocal range you have, you will find out which notes you are able to play, and which you cannot for objective reasons.


The more you know about the structure of your body, namely about those parts of it that are directly involved in the singing process, the better you will sing. Place your palm just below your collarbone. Take a few deep breaths in and out and feel your lungs rise as you inhale and lower as you exhale. Take a deep breath and raise your palm until you find the place of maximum chest rise. At this point, you may experience discomfort in the abdominal area. This is due to the pressure that the diaphragm exerts on everything below the rib cage.

Body position

Correct singing begins with correct body position. Stand straight with your shoulders back a little and your feet shoulder-width apart. At the same time, one leg should be extended slightly forward. This position ensures correct breathing and allows you to maximize the use of your lung volume.

If you want to sing while sitting, keep your posture and do not cross your legs, your feet should be completely flat on the floor.


Singing is 80% the result of breathing, so it is very important to breathe correctly. Try to use your stomach as much as possible when inhaling and exhaling. To accustom yourself to such breathing, do the following exercise: lie on the floor and put a stack of books on your stomach, now sing at a normal pace so that the stack of books rises and falls with each inhalation and exhalation you take.

If you only use the lighter notes, you will find that it is very difficult for you to hit high notes.

Sing the scale

Practice scale chanting as often as possible (20-30 minutes a day), this will help you greatly improve the sound of your voice and strengthen the muscles involved in chanting. In the first lessons, accompany yourself on the piano, then gradually begin to sort out the notes without the help of musical instruments.

Singing lessons

If you want to practice singing professionally, it is advisable to take lessons from a private teacher. Improper preparation can only spoil your efforts. If you are unable to take private lessons, try joining local amateur ensembles. As a rule, good singing lessons are also given in such associations.