How To Decorate A Fabric Bag With Acrylic Paints

How To Decorate A Fabric Bag With Acrylic Paints
How To Decorate A Fabric Bag With Acrylic Paints

Table of contents:


Recently, such a type of activity as drawing on fabric, or batik, has become popular. Paints that are used in this occupation are called acrylic, they are not washed off with water. With the help of paints and stamps, you can create any applique on your favorite garment.

Leaf-shaped stamps
Leaf-shaped stamps

It is necessary

  • -leaves with whole edges;
  • - a bag made of cotton fabric;
  • -acrylic paints of any color;
  • -brushes;
  • - roller;
  • -plastic panel;
  • -palette for mixing paints;
  • -iron.


Step 1

A plastic panel must be placed under the side of the fabric where the pattern will be applied.

Step 2

Leaves need to be prepared before use: cleaned of dried parts, wash and dry.

Step 3

Next, you should choose the paints that will be used in painting, they can be mixed with each other as desired in the palette.

Acrylic paints
Acrylic paints

Step 4

Next, you need to apply paint with a brush to the inner surface of the sheet with a layer of 0.5-1 mm. Application of paints should be carried out by mixing them on a sheet or using one and the same paint over the entire surface. When the entire surface of the sheet is in paint, it must be carefully turned over and applied to the surface of the bag.

Technique for painting tree leaves with paints
Technique for painting tree leaves with paints

Step 5

The top should be ironed gently with a roller so that the entire inner surface of the sheet contacts the fabric. After finishing ironing with a roller, the sheet can be removed. Then you can apply a few more similar patterns using other leaves and paints. Upon completion of drawing with the help of stamps, it will be possible to correct the drawing with a brush, to finish painting the petiole. When the paint dries, on the back side or through gauze, iron the part of the fabric on which the drawing was applied.
