How To Make An Amateur Video

How To Make An Amateur Video
How To Make An Amateur Video

Table of contents:


Capturing a video is easy. It's much more difficult to shoot this video in a way that makes it interesting to watch. However, if you try and connect your creative imagination to the process, you can get a result that you will not be ashamed to show your friends.

How to make an amateur video
How to make an amateur video

It is necessary

  • - video camera;
  • - on-camera light;
  • - tripod;
  • - program for video editing;
  • - audio editor.


Step 1

Decide for what purpose you are shooting the video. and what you want to tell the audience. Based on your goals, decide how long your work will be: an hour-long movie or a dynamic five-minute movie.

Step 2

Write a script for the future video. You can neglect the stylistic embellishments of the text, all you need is to indicate for each scene you shoot the place, time and action that takes place in the frame.

Determine how you are going to frame the frame in each specific scene. Indicate in your script what is filmed in general, what is medium, and what is large. The general shot is used to show the viewer where the action is taking place. Medium shots inform action, while close-ups emphasize attention to detail.

Indicate in the script, which, at the same time, will be your cut-out, the approximate duration of each scene. Note that a still image that remains on the screen for more than two seconds will tire the viewer.

Step 3

Read the instructions for the camera and set all the settings in advance that will not have to be changed during the shooting.

Unfortunately, amateur cameras are primarily designed for shooting with automatic settings, so adjusting parameters such as white balance usually takes some time. Remember through which menu this setting is turned on. It is much easier to adjust the white balance on the camera just before shooting than to do color correction in the editing software.

Step 4

Print the script and take it to the shooting. Cross out or mark footage. This will save you time and give you the opportunity not to think about whether you have filmed everything that you were going to.

Step 5

Shoot multiple takes of each scene. During installation, you can choose the most successful option.

Step 6

Copy the footage to your computer's hard drive. When capturing video, use the Latin keyboard for filenames. Some editing programs do not accept Cyrillic file names. Name the files so that you can tell by the file name which video sequence it contains. This will greatly facilitate the installation process.

Step 7

Record voice-over, if it is supposed to be in your video. Listen to the result, make sure that there is no extraneous noise in the recording. If necessary, remove noise with an audio editor. Find the right soundtrack for your video.

Step 8

Load the footage into your video editing software. Even the software that comes with the camera is fine. If your video editor allows you to do this, place markers that mark the beginning of individual scenes in accordance with the scenario.

Step 9

Select the best scene options and arrange them according to the markers. Add transitions and effects as needed. Load the sound and check how it matches the rhythm of the video sequence.

Step 10

Save the project file and the final video file. Saving the project will allow you to edit the video later if needed.
