To some, these insects may seem disgusting, while others will simply be delighted with them. One way or another, the domestic cockroach is not at all a filthy disgusting creature, but a real garbage orderly. In any case, drawing this insect will be very interesting, especially for a child.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, materials for work in color
Step 1
Prepare the materials you need for the job. With a simple pencil, start sketching. Draw an oblong (oval) torso. Draw in the middle of it a line where the insect's wings should unfold. Mark the direction of the six legs, three on one side and three on the other side.
Step 2
Proceed to clarify the picture. First outline the cephalothorax of the cockroach, separating a small area of the body, then limit the end of the oval (body) - this will be the head. On the sides of it, outline the eyes of the creature with small half-oval. Next, outline the mustache. Their location can be different - forward, parallel to each other, backward, slightly diagonally or sideways. The length of the whiskers is slightly less than the length of the body.
Step 3
Draw the legs of the cockroach. Each limb of this insect consists of three segments, and at the place of their connection, the limb can bend. Place two needles at the end of the foot.
Step 4
The cover of the cockroach's body has a peculiar pattern. The body is not quite evenly divided in half. Its flaps are overlapped like tulip petals. Draw these cross lines. At the end of the body, draw two short "antennae" that grow from the insect's abdomen. Use the eraser to erase unnecessary lines. Come up with and paint a background: grass, a table in the kitchen, a cutlery on which a cockroach sits, or a keyboard. Draw in color or finish with a pencil.

Step 5
Apply shading according to the shape of the body. Mark two dark spots on the cockroach's cephalothorax. Do not forget to draw hairs on the legs. After shading with the tip of the eraser, draw a few lines along the flaps, you can select the eyes, a highlight on the cephalothorax. Then use a sharp pencil to draw in the foreground.
Step 6
When working with paints, start filling in the background. Then fill the insect with the main color spot. Once dry, sketch out the shadows and relief of the wings. Draw the legs and antennae with a thin brush.