Why Do Geese Dream?

Why Do Geese Dream?
Why Do Geese Dream?

Dreams have been interpreted at all times, trying to look into the future or foresee some events. For centuries, the accumulated knowledge still helps those who remember their dreams and know how to retell what they saw. There are symbols that carry good, and there are those that warn.

Why do geese dream?
Why do geese dream?

Goose as a symbol of marriage

From time immemorial, the goose was considered a good omen, a symbol of patience and prudence, showing which, for sure, you will achieve success in your affairs and endeavors. If the goose in your dream slowly and smoothly swims on the water - well-being will accompany you in family life. Grandmothers said: "If a goose dreams - love will come true." You will not only be happy with your spouse, but also satisfied with your financial situation.

For unmarried women, geese portend gossip, the center of which they can unexpectedly become for themselves.

For a bachelor to see a goose in a dream may mean the wrong choice, it is worth taking a closer look at the chosen one, taking off the "rose-colored glasses", realistically assessing her advantages and disadvantages.

Goose as a symbol of success

If in a dream the goose intends to pinch you, think about the immediate environment, for sure, there will be a person in it who is plotting a conspiracy against you, who will inevitably ruin your reputation. But catching a goose in a dream means the approach of changes regarding personal life and the search for a second half.

To lose or sell a goose means to deprive yourself of good luck and luck, and vice versa, to buy, or even better to steal a goose, means to gain respect, to get rich considerably.

Accepting a goose as a gift is an omen of imminent well-being, good luck in all planned affairs and career growth. If in your dream you kill or cook goose dishes - expect changes for the better, you will surely expect prosperity and a quick solution to business issues, from which you will receive considerable profit. But eating a dish made from a goose in a dream means making a wrong decision, which will inevitably lead to insoluble problems at work. Cutting off a goose's head means gaining self-confidence.

Plucking a killed goose is a sure omen of a quarrel with close friends, misunderstanding, conflicts and contradictions.

If in a dream you saw a whole flock of geese, expect respect and honors from colleagues or acquaintances, if you suddenly decided to count them, then soon you will receive some news. Geese, raising a cry, giggling or noisy, portend danger, be careful, do not commit rash acts and rash actions, if a flock peacefully nibbles the grass in your dream, it means that a pleasant surprise awaits you, presented to you by fate itself.

Wild geese, as a rule, predict an imminent separation from loved ones, and the dead predict the loss of loved ones. If in your dream you see goose feathers, wait for upcoming news.