Fishing with live bait is a convenient way. To do this, you can use roach, crucian carp, pinched fish, gudgeon or any other small fish as live bait. But it is better not to use gorchak. For a pike, say, it's the perfect size. However, the fish spits it out quickly. And since the conversation has gone about the pike, we will analyze how to catch it correctly with live bait.

Step 1
So, when the pike grabs the bait, you feel a sharp jerk of the rod, or rather, its tip. It is not recommended to hook the fish at this point. In order for the line to come off the spool freely, the spool bracket must be bent. After a short period of time after the impact, the fish begins to take the line under the water. It is still too early to strike, since the pike does not immediately swallow its prey. She usually waits for a while. Then the contented fish swims a short distance and only then starts to swallow the live bait. When the prey is swallowed, the pike starts to move. Then you need to hook.
Step 2
Experienced fishermen have a rule: smoke half a cigarette after the first blow, and then hook it. Non-smoking fishermen instead count to thirty.
Step 3
In any case, keep in mind that the pike can grab the live bait in such a way that the mouth of its tee will not touch. Early striking means that you will simply rip the live bait out of the pike's teeth, thereby allowing it to leave.
Step 4
Avoid steel leads when fishing with live bait, as this significantly reduces the number of pike bites. We recommend using fluocarbon or thick line. Of course, a pike can easily gnaw through such a leash. But she will bite. As for steel leashes, sometimes the number of bites decreases so much that you involuntarily begin to think about the advisability of using them in general.
Step 5
On live bait pike can be caught with two types of tackle: bottom and float fishing rod. If you fish from the bottom, you can do it at a depth of 2-4 meters. Using a float tackle, it is better to set a depth of 60-100 cm and throw live bait about a meter and a half from the line of the reeds.
Step 6
And in fact, and in another case, you can use two tees in the tackle. Pike usually swallows live bait from the head, so you can place the tees as you wish. If you do not want the fish to take the tee, hook the first of them in the tail area, and the second on the dorsal fin.