Living every day and doing a huge number of different things, many do not even notice that all this time they live in accordance with the rhythms of the lunar day, perceiving them at an unconscious level. During the full moon period, the nature of the moon and its rhythms are expressed most vividly and dynamically, which is reflected in the behavior of people, in their physical and mental state.

Since ancient times, sages have used the lunar calendar. In the East, he was understood more deeply, realizing the inextricable link between finding the moon in the sky and human life. It was noticed by ancient astrologers, priests and magicians that the arrangement of the luminaries relative to each other, their appearance and disappearance in the sky, determine the well-being and mood of a person. Since then, people began to orient themselves by the moon, determining the optimal periods for carrying out various everyday and religious activities.
If you understand how the moon affects the human body on every day of its cycle, then it is quite feasible to learn how to use the opportunities provided by fate, changing your life for the better and fulfilling your mission.
Many people have no idea how deeply and strongly they are connected with the moon. Its rhythms are natural, like normal breathing. When a person lives according to the rhythms of the lunar calendar, then everything in his life happens by itself, as if a kind sorceress constantly helps his dreams and desires come true. But it should also be remembered that the lunar calendar is soft warnings, light advice, a hint that require proper awareness and behavior. There are no bad lunar days, there is only their misinterpretation and misuse of the opportunities provided.
The phase of the lunar month when the moon is fully illuminated by the sun is called a full moon. During this period, the nature of the moon is most active. The subconscious and the emotional level are at their peak. This is manifested in the energetic fulfillment, saturation of processes, the achievement of the highest states both in a person and in society. In those areas of life where the processes are controlled by the moon, life is boiling violently.
The full moon is called the time of werewolves, and crazy, and poets. This is the most fruitful period for all creative people. New ideas, vivid images of future works are born in their souls. If you are a creative person, take advantage of this situation, try to make sure to bring the idea that appeared on the full moon to life.
At this time, a turn can occur in any business. Emotional stress and crisis are likely. But this does not have to be interpreted as bad events. Full moon situations are illuminated by the clarity of the relationship and can lead to a pleasant ending.
Feeling the power of the lunar influence, open your intuitive knowledge, feel the flows of energies in yourself. It is no coincidence that Buddha attained enlightenment precisely on the full moon. By meditating at this time, having learned how to properly manage energy, you can find true love and wisdom, objectively relating to the world around you. During this period, the moon will connect you not only with the home, raising children, but also awaken intuition, poetic and musical gift in you, provide fullness of feelings, and reveal the reserves of your personality. Do your favorite things, confess your love to your girlfriend or boyfriend, come up with new games for children, prioritize your behavior, write a song.
As for mentally unstable people, the full moon is a difficult and dangerous period for them. Along with an increase in anxiety, insomnia may begin, a desire to commit rash acts may appear. During this period, they need to try to follow the speech, not to find fault with people over trifles and "keep themselves in hand". It's good to go on a diet, as well as do any business that requires perseverance and attention.
Take medication with side effects gently on a full moon. The latter are more pronounced. Herbal preparations also enhance their effects on the body. On a full moon, you can not drink alcohol, smoke, use any harmful substances.