The brush is one of the main tools necessary for the creativity of any artist. A graphic designer is no exception. However, a graphic designer has much more brushes and opportunities to create incredible visual effects with the help of them than an ordinary painter. The "Photoshop" brush in terms of its creative potential can be compared only with a magic wand. And the colors on the computer palette are also special, they obey different laws. Therefore, an ordinary artist and a computer artist will understand the expression "change the color of the brush" differently.

Step 1
First, for a designer, this expression will mean "choose a different color, give it a working brush." At first glance, this is the same as "mixing a new color on the palette" for a simple artist. But the process of choosing and mixing colors in a graphics editor is completely different. To change the color of the working brush in Adobe Photoshop, left-click on the Foreground Color icon at the bottom of the tool palette. It is this icon that displays the current brush color.
Step 2
In the opened "Color Picker (Foreground Color)" dialog box, select the color you need in one of the following ways: by moving the sliders on the vertical color scale, clicking on a certain point of the color field (like an eyedropper), placing the numerical values of the components of this color in the corresponding fields of the palette (RGB, CMYK) or hexadecimal color value, which is determined from the html color table. You can see samples of the changing color (new) and the current (current) in the colored rectangles to the right of the color bar.
Step 3
There is another convenient palette in the program for choosing colors. This is the Color palette. You can open it through the Window> Color menu or by simply pressing the F6 hotkey. Usually this palette is displayed on the right side of the screen. Select the desired color by moving the red (R), green (G) and blue (B) sliders, or click on the color field at the bottom of the palette and move the cursor over it without releasing the mouse button. The cursor will look like an eyedropper. The changing color is displayed on the base color icon in the same palette.
Step 4
You can also change the color of the brush in the Swatches palette, which contains various color libraries. By default, this palette is next to the Color palette, but if it is closed, use the Window> Swatches menu command to invoke it. You can select a different color library by clicking on the small arrow in the upper right corner of the palette. In the list that opens, select the required library.
Step 5
There is a second meaning that a designer can give to the expression "change brush color". It is often necessary to change the foreground color of the brush to the background color (icons displaying both colors are located in the bottom of the tool palette). Press the X key on your keyboard (on the English layout) and these colors will swap places.