Do-it-yourself Wind Chime

Do-it-yourself Wind Chime
Do-it-yourself Wind Chime

Wind chime is an original and very common type of interior decoration that you can buy in a store or create yourself from scrap materials. In the latter case, the pendants will not only look beautiful in the interior, but also bear the imprint of the author's personality.

The music of wind
The music of wind

You can make 2 versions of wind chime on your own: one that produces sounds and one that does not play. The latter can be hung as an interior decoration or as a hanging toy for a small child.

Any decoration of this type consists of fishing line or special wire for needlework, beautiful ribbons and decorative details that you can choose from what is at home and in stores, or create yourself. For example, pendants made of ceramics or metal jewelry look very beautiful and ring. In addition, to create wind chime you will need tools: scissors, a knife, an awl, or a drill with drills. Of the optional but desirable tools, it is worth stocking up on pliers.

The first thing you need to do to create wind chimes is to find a foundation. The base can be a classic metal circle with holes in order to attach pendants, or, for example, a comfortable and strong tree branch, a piece of bamboo trunk, half a coconut, peeled from the pulp and dried in the sun, etc.

In general, the creators of handmade do not have any concrete idea of what the ideal basis for the wind chime should be, since everyone creates their own image. At the base, it is necessary to make narrow holes through which you can push fishing line or wire. In order for the decoration to serve for a long time, you need to thoroughly dry the base and, if necessary, cover with varnish or fixative.

The same goes for the choice of pendants. From the simplest things that are in the house, you can make an unusual accessory. Pendants made of old keys painted with silver, gold or bronze acrylic paint look very beautiful and symbolic.

Seashells and corals harvested from the sea, combined with beads, can be excellent details for any pendant. Parts of the bamboo trunk are also considered classical elements of wind chime, but due to the lack of this plant in Russian latitudes, you can replace it with cow parsnip (you should not, however, forget that cow parsnip is poisonous and dried trunks can only be collected from November to March, when the plant dries up and ceases to emit milky juice).

Do not forget that when collecting an ordinary, non-playing pendant, you can use anything for dyeing: interesting old buttons, semi-precious stones, round pebbles with holes, dice, in a word, everything that has great aesthetic value for the creator.
