How To Catch Taimen

How To Catch Taimen
How To Catch Taimen

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Taimen is a real handsome man. Perhaps every real fisherman wants to catch him. Of course, the larger the taimen, the better. Although, even average specimens reach quite impressive sizes.

How to catch taimen?
How to catch taimen?


Step 1

Unfortunately, the handsome taimen is extremely rare in the reservoirs of central Russia, but the rivers and lakes of Siberia are a real find for avid fishermen. The sporting passion and delight that such fishing can give is difficult to describe in words. However, to experience all this, you will have to go on a long journey to Siberia.

Step 2

Taimen is a prominent representative of predatory fish. From this it follows that you need to catch it in the appropriate way. There are specimens of taimen reaching impressive sizes: the length is more than a meter, and the weight is up to 90 kg. It is believed that the most favorable places for catching taimen are the Zaisan and Norilsk lakes. Quite decent specimens can be caught in Lake Baikal. If you think that Siberia is too remote place, do not despair. Occasionally, taimen can be found in such rivers as the Kama, Pechora, Vyatka and even in the Volga. There is always a chance, the main thing is luck.

Step 3

The best period for catching taimen is considered to be the pink salmon run. These days, it is best to use large yellow spoons. Taimen reacts very well to them. Experienced fishermen say that the taimen, having caught a few pink salmon, eagerly rushes to the spoon. It is believed that the most favorable time of day for catching taimen is morning, or rather, from five to nine o'clock. However, you may be lucky during the day, because taimen is a predator, and this makes its movements unpredictable.

Step 4

Many fishermen love winter fishing for taimen. She is especially good "on the first ice" and the last ice. In winter, the best results can be achieved by using sheer spoons. However, spinning gives a very good result.

Step 5

In any case, remember that spoons must be selected, focusing on the season and the intended place of fishing. While the taimen has not yet prepared for the winter, that is, it has not yet worked up a sufficient amount of fat, it can respond well to almost any spoon. When using sheer lures, two-tone lures are often preferred. With the help of them, you can achieve a good catch in a fairly short period of time.

Step 6

If you prefer spinning, then try to give preference to heavier baits 15 - 20 cm long when fishing for taimen. The weight of such baits can reach 150 grams. Taimen in lakes tries to adhere to a distance of no more than a meter to the bottom, so light-weight spinners are not suitable for fishing. This predator fish is very agile and easily gets off the bait, therefore, success in catching taimen can be achieved only if you immediately spot it strongly. This will keep you from disappointment. You will need a lot of strength and dexterity, because even the most reliable tee is far from immediately able to break through the dense, thick sky of taimen.
