Ancient Customs And Traditions Of Egypt

Ancient Customs And Traditions Of Egypt
Ancient Customs And Traditions Of Egypt

Many Egyptians still follow ancient customs out of fear of superstition. Some of them may seem strange, and some even shock anyone who is not familiar with the culture of this mysterious country of the pyramids.

Egyptian traditions
Egyptian traditions

Grimy egypt

Dirt on the streets and heaps of garbage lying on the roadway are a feature of far from only Egypt. However, the habit of not washing children among some Egyptians may be explained not by lack of water and laziness, but by protection from spoilage. In ancient Russia, children were also often dressed in old clothes, frightening off evil spirits. A similar custom can be attributed to the belief that in the evening it is better not to take out the garbage out of the hut, so that it will protect the house from unclean forces at night. Many superstitious mothers, when feeding a baby from a bottle, also wrap it in a dirty old sock so that the milk does not jinx it.


Boy or girl

In especially religious families, at the birth of a boy, the whole family can call him for some time by his female name, pierce his ears and dress up in a dress. Superstitious Egyptians think that in this way it will be possible to save a child from damage from envious people, since giving birth to a future heir to a husband is more honorable than a daughter.

Jumping over babies

If in Russian traditions there is a belief that one cannot step over children, they will not grow up, then among the Egyptians, like among the Spaniards, on the contrary, there is a custom to step over or jump over babies, thereby taking away all diseases and evil with them.


Hammam customs

You shouldn't cry in the bathroom and toilet, and before emptying your bowels and bladder, you must flush the water in the tank. With the help of this custom, the Egyptians drive out the evil spirit from the room and do not allow them to take their soul.

Bed rituals

If an Egyptian gets up at night in the toilet or in the kitchen, then after returning he needs to pat the mattress with his hand to scare away the spirits that could be attracted by the warmth of the sleeping bed. In other cultures, there is a similar belief that after waking up, you need to straighten the sheet and make your bed. Since, according to legends, creatures from a parallel world can suck energy out of a person through the place where he slept.
