How To Care For Ficus At Home

How To Care For Ficus At Home
How To Care For Ficus At Home

Many people have a beautiful evergreen plant in their apartment or house - ficus. But not all growers know how to properly care for him at home.

How to care for ficus at home
How to care for ficus at home

In the genus of ficus, there are more than 1000 species of trees and shrubs. Some of them are intended for home cultivation: Benjamin's ficus, rubber, lyre and others.

In order for the ficus to grow for a long time in your home, you need to know what conditions it prefers and how to care for it.

Ambient temperature and need for light

In winter, the temperature regime in the room where this plant grows should be 19 - 21 degrees in the daytime, and 16 - 18 degrees at night. If the temperature in your room is much higher, then daily watering is necessary. In summer, ficus is taken out into an open space, for example, on a balcony or in a garden.

Ficus prefers a bright place in the room. If there is one-way lighting, then the ficus pot is rotated regularly. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight. In winter, ficus needs additional artificial lighting.


During spring and all summer, ficuses are watered very abundantly, preventing the land from drying out. Closer to winter, watering is gradually reduced. In general, all types of ficuses do not tolerate both strong waterlogging and lack of moisture. Everything should be in moderation.

In winter, these plants are watered just enough so that the soil under them is slightly moistened. Some large-leaved species need to be watered very rarely at this time so that their roots are saturated with oxygen.


In addition to the usual watering, ficuses are sprayed. This is done as often as possible. Also, once a week, their leaves are wiped from dust with a damp cloth or sponge.

Top dressing

In spring and summer, ficuses are in a phase of active growth. At this point, they need to be fed once every two weeks. A liquid mineral fertilizer containing ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate is ideal for this. Complex fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus included in their composition are also suitable. Watering is required before feeding. In winter, no ficus fertilization is provided.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic matter can be used in the form of a solution of bird droppings or mullein.


Ficuses between the ages of 1 and 3 are transplanted every year. And plants over 5 years old - once every two years. Large and large ficuses are transplanted only when their root system completely fills the container or pot.

Compliance with all these rules for caring for ficus at home will allow you to grow beautiful and healthy plants without any problems.
