Nasturtium, who doesn't know this flower? The simplest and most common. No match for a rose or a peony. But not everyone is familiar with its merits. After all, this "simpleton" is modestly beautiful, useful in the garden, nutritious and healing.

Nasturtium is an ornamental flowering plant in the garden
Florists appreciate nasturtium for its livable character and unpretentiousness. Its modern compact varieties, colors, double flower shapes have brought a new breath to the design and use of the plant. Nasturtium is becoming popular again. It is planted on balconies, flower beds, borders are decorated.
Nasturtium is a useful garden plant. She is the protector of other plants from diseases. It has been noticed that where nasturtium grew, the soil contains less fungal infection. So, after it, the plants are not so affected by root rot. And such sissies as asters and sweet peas develop and bloom better.
Nasturtium and cooking
Even in the old books of monks, information and recipes for salads using nasturtium flowers and leaves are mentioned. The plant in those days was called "cardinal salad" and carefully kept the secrets of their recipes. Nasturtium was appreciated in those distant times, as it was considered a source of health and undying youth.
Nowadays, leaves, flowers, unripe seeds (capers) of nasturtium are widely used in cooking. The plant goes well with many vegetables, nuts, cheeses, meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. Thanks to its unique taste and distinctive piquancy, nasturtium brings its own flavor to the dish. And considering the usefulness, it enriches the nutritional value of any food. Salads, seasonings, drinks are tasty and healthy.
The healing properties of nasturtium
Nasturtium is rich in vitamins important for humans, such as vitamins C, B1, B2, provitamin A. The plant has a high content of iodine, potassium, phosphorus salts. It contains herbal antibiotics. Nasturtium has bactericidal properties and helps in the treatment of upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, kidney stones. Therefore, adding flowers, leaves, and especially unripe seeds to salads and dishes, not only diversifies the dishes, but also heals.
Here is such a difficult flower - nasturtium.