When building a garage, the car owner faces the question of a viewing pit. There are enough arguments in favor. However, despite the fact that the inspection pit makes it much easier to maintain the car, the main problem that can be faced when creating a pit is the penetration of groundwater into the garage. Therefore, before laying the foundation with a pit, it is necessary to measure the level of groundwater. If it is higher than 2.5 meters, then you will have to forget about the pit.

Step 1
The ideal option is to lay the hole at the stage of creating the foundation of the garage. It is necessary to provide for a working area, into which the pit will enter, and a recreation area. This design will protect the garage structure from excessive moisture and avoid rapid corrosion of the bottom.
Step 2
The width of the pit depends on the make of the car and is directly related to its wheelbase. Lay the depth of the pit, based on the growth of the car owner, taking into account his comfortable position during repair and maintenance work. That is, add 10-15 cm to the height and get the desired parameter. The length of the pit is calculated according to the formula "Car length + 1 meter" so that the car owner can easily enter the pit when the car is installed on it.
Having made the necessary measurements, proceed to create a foundation pit. Add 20-25 cm to the calculated depth, 40 cm to the length and width. Tamp the walls of the pit.
Step 3
Fill the bottom with a 10 cm layer of gravel, then a layer of sand - 5 cm. Each layer is also carefully tamped, spilling water. Lubricate the resulting box with clay and lay a layer of waterproofing. Install the reinforcement and fill it with concrete, and after it has completely dried, lay the last layer of this puff cake - waterproofing.
Step 4
The walls of the pit, tamped down and coated with clay, are insulated with a thick film. Further, along the entire perimeter of the walls, install the formwork with reinforcement and, in the same way as the floor, fill it with concrete. The second option is to lay out the walls with bricks. Various materials are used for decoration: ceramic tiles, facade plaster, fiberglass. When erecting walls, provide for a ventilation hole that will be 20-25 cm from the floor. Attach a flexible corrugated pipe to this hole, bring it to the surface and cover it with a protective "fungus".
Step 5
Safety rail
The construction of the inspection pit must provide for insurance that will not allow the car to enter it. Use a T-shaped metal rail as a safety net. It will also be the support of the boards that cover the niche.
Step 6
Pit insulation
You can think about insulation only after the pit is carefully insulated from moisture penetration. The best insulation option is expanded polystyrene. With a standard thickness of 50 mm, this material perfectly keeps heat, while it does not rot, does not allow water to pass through and easily adheres to concrete. For the floor, PSB-S-35 is usually used, and for the walls PSB-S-25.
Step 7
Lighting is necessary to ensure normal working conditions in the pit. These can be carriers powered by a battery or special lamps powered by 36 V. It is unacceptable to insert a 220 V outlet in a niche. This is not only a violation of SNiP, but also a real threat to life.