At the wedding, everything should be perfect, including such trifles as champagne glasses. They can be decorated with stained glass paints - it will turn out original and very beautiful!

It is necessary
Stained glass paints, glass glasses, contour stickers with the desired theme (rings or roses), synthetic round brush, hair dryer, silk ribbon, napkin
Step 1
Rinse the glasses, dry them, degrease them so that the paints are perfectly light on the surface. You can use napkins for degreasing.

Step 2
Prepare contour stickers. For example, apply roses on the side, and apply rings to the bases of the glasses.

Step 3
Use a brush to paint the stained glass onto the stickers. Just color in the drawing. Everything is simple here.

Step 4
Wait a little - the paint should dry. You can use a hairdryer if you don't want to wait.
Step 5
Tie silk ribbons to the stems of the glasses. Everything, the glasses are ready, the newlyweds will be pleased to drink champagne from them!