How To Make A Bunk Bed With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Bunk Bed With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Bunk Bed With Your Own Hands

Using a bunk bed when arranging a children's room is a real salvation for a young family. Such a bed will not only make it possible to rationally use the space of the room, but will also bring considerable joy to the children themselves. But not every young family can afford to buy high-quality furniture. The way out of this situation will be the construction of a bunk bed with your own hands.

How to make a bunk bed with your own hands
How to make a bunk bed with your own hands

The main plus of a bunk bed is the saving of space, which can be used, for example, to equip a sports corner. This bed model gives the children's room a special look, attractiveness and originality.

Material and tools for building a bunk bed

To create a frame, you will need eight three-meter wooden beams and four boards. To make a mattress pad, you will need to purchase two sheets of high strength plywood. Its thickness should not be less than 12 mm. In the absence of plywood, you can use chipboard sheets.

To fasten the wooden elements together, you will need screws, self-tapping screws, screws with heads and bolts with nuts. In addition, you will need to buy a can of polyurethane, a small can of putty and sandpaper.

As for the tools, for the construction of a bunk bed it will be possible to use the most ordinary drill with a set of wood drills, as well as a water level and a screwdriver. You can saw wood products with both an electric saw and a hand saw. The only difference is that in the first case, much less time is spent on cutting a tree.

Before use, boards and beams must be kept in a room for seven days, the humidity and temperature indicators in which are similar to those of the room being equipped.

Bunk bed assembly steps

The assembly of the bed must begin by measuring the mattresses to be used. To fit their size, you need to cut out plywood substrates, while not forgetting to add two centimeters to each side.

Make two side frames from the beams and fasten them with screws. After that, screw the board to one of the frames and one end of it. In the same way, screw the side from the board to the second frame.

Make sure that the self-tapping screws do not pierce the bars and boards through. Otherwise, children will be able to scratch on their sharp ends that protrude outward.

Make the legs of the future bed from two beams. The length of the legs must match the height of the second tier. Drill holes in the beams that will act as legs. They should be located at the level of the first and second tiers. Connect the legs to the bed frame through the prepared holes.

Screw the frame with legs to the wall. To do this, mark the places for drilling and installing dowels for screws. After that, install a fence made of boards and make a ladder along which you will need to climb to the second tier.

Now you can install and secure the plywood sheets used as a mattress underlay to the frame. This completes the construction of the bunk bed on its own. Cover her and invite the children to get acquainted with the new sleeping place.
