Are you an avid fisherman or just like to relax on water bodies - then you certainly need a boat for more comfortable fishing or relaxation. Building a ship with your own hands will not be difficult if your actions are correct and coordinated. And in order to competently do the job, you will probably need some practical advice and guidance, which will be presented in this article.

Step 1
Prepare all the necessary materials (plywood, boards, fiberglass, epoxy, etc.) and the place where the work will take place. Remember that the vessel is quite large in size, and therefore the place of work must be suitable for this.
Step 2
Glue a small model of your boat from a regular box or cardboard to visualize what you should end up with.
Take sheets of plywood of the length you want.
Cut out the details of the sides and bottom.
Step 3
Take an oak plank and cut out the transom parts from it.
Step 4
Glue the resulting parts as follows: for the outer layer - a layer of plywood, a layer of fiberglass, a layer - oak board, again a layer of fiberglass. Use plywood for the inner layer. The transom is ready.
Step 5
Make frames. It will be enough to make 8-10 pieces.
Step 6
Begin assembling your ship's hull (bottom, transom, frames and sides). For this, self-tapping screws should be used. Since your sides will be quite heavy, we recommend that you install them, one on each side, tightly against each other at the bow of the boat.
Step 7
Prepare a solution of epoxy with aerosil.
Step 8
Glue all seams with the resulting mixture.
Glue the seams with the next step with fiberglass. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made tape of the required thickness or cut it yourself from a roll.
Glue the frames.
Step 9
Craft a fender out of oak planks.
Step 10
Install the fender bar using the screws and your own adhesive. In this case, each subsequent rail should be installed slightly with a shift upward.
Step 11
Sand the parts with a planer and sander.
Step 12
Cover the bottoms and sides with fiberglass.
Step 13
Putty, sand and sand all parts again.
Install redans prepared in advance from oak boards.
Refill the boat one more time.
Step 14
Start painting by choosing your desired color.
Step 15
If desired, such a boat can be equipped with glass, an engine and, accordingly, instruments showing the speed and fuel consumption.