How To Make A Forged Rose

How To Make A Forged Rose
How To Make A Forged Rose

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An experienced craftsman can make any artistic detail out of metal, from an intricate pattern to an intricate statue. All images obey the fantasies of the blacksmith. If you decide to forge a rose, then use steel that can be easily forged. Make a blank, stretch one side onto a square, measure the other so that it is enough for three layers. Cut off the excess and proceed to planning the sequence of your actions.

How to make a forged rose
How to make a forged rose


Step 1

You have received the original piece for making a flower. Divide the top of the cylindrical shape into three segments. In the center, the material should connect all three parts, so it should not be cut through. This is the basis of the future forged rose.

Step 2

Make cuts on the intended petals along the axis with a sharp ax. At the same time, leave as much material in the middle of the bud as there is in the rod that you pulled on the square. Remember that the process is time consuming and requires a sequence of operations.

Step 3

Preheat the oven. Now besiege each sector with a handbrake. Do this procedure until the thickness of each section is 2 mm. The size of the sample should be no less than the bud of the intended forged rose. From the first sheet layer, make a five-leaf rosette. Make sure that there is a visibility of overlap as in a real inflorescence.

Step 4

The prepared split portions of the segments will become forged petals. Bring them to the desired thickness, put them in a barrel with the dimensions of a forged rose bud. This is how you wrapped the first layer in the bud. Make the second layer. Keep in mind that it should turn out to be a little larger, because not a beautiful product will come out. Pay special attention to proportions.

Step 5

Then repeat the same steps as with the top layer. Cut the parts with an ax, pierce the petals, twist into a barrel, flattening on top. Shape the bud.

Step 6

Rivet the third layer even more in the same way, wrap it around the two previous layers on a cone. Make sure one sheet covers the next. In nature, a rose bud is built in this shape. In the third layer, disperse the individual petals more diligently at the ends. Twist them slightly for a more natural look.

Step 7

If you want to forge a whole bouquet, then include roses of different ripeness. Adjust the size of each bud by pulling the ends of the leaf, and also change the amount of curl. So you get tight buds and loose forged flowers. To forge the stem, pull the blank out onto a square. Warm up the edges, knock down and form a forged stem from a square. Then warm up the bud and shape the flower with mites.
