One of the most popular flowers in our time. How to care for it and what types of succulents are there?

Easy to use, does not require regular watering. It grows in deserts and in places with arid climates, therefore it has special fabrics for water storage.
There are a lot of types of succulents, sometimes they are ordinary cacti, but the most popular nowadays is Leaf succulent or Echeveria. More like a revived stone in the shape of a rose without a stem. The leaves of succulents are called "fleshy". Also covers them with a waxy coating. In summer, the succulent begins to bloom with red and yellow flowers.
The succulent Lithops is also stone-like. During flowering, white or yellow flowers appear on it.
The Haworthia succulent plant is similar to aloe vera. But at the same time, it has flowers that look like leaves, which take away juices from the plant. This type of succulents is suitable for windows facing north.
If you decide to have a "living stone" in your house, you need to place it so that the flower receives maximum sunlight and as much as possible. In summer, it is recommended to expose to the balcony. Thanks to this, the flower can change color. Outside the window, you can store a succulent for no more than a month, while the ground must be dry, i.e. you cannot water it. In the dark, the flower will die altogether. It is recommended to water succulents only a few days after transplanting.
Pictures of succulents are very popular. But it is worth remembering that such compositions will be temporary, even if you make additional lighting.
Succulent comes from the Latin succus, which means juice. Therefore, the thickness of the leaves is very noticeable: the flower has already made a supply of water, but this does not mean that they do not need to be watered. But also do not do this often, otherwise they will simply rot. In summer, when the top layer of soil in the pot is dry, you can water the flower once a week. In winter, watering will be more rare: 1-2 times a month, while the leaves should be slightly soft. Those. much of the moisture has come out. It is necessary to arrange for them some semblance of drought or "sleep" (from November to March) so that they slow down their growth as much as possible. It is better to water it early in the morning or late in the evening, so that the drops do not work on the leaves like lenses and do not burn the flower.
Temperature fluctuations are permissible for succulents, but at the same time they cannot be frozen, as a result, the flower will simply rot when it suddenly receives a dose of heat.
Succulents are not prone to suffer from pests, because slightly edible for them. Usually the flower can infect a mealybug (white pest) or a tick. "Insecticides" are used against them. Before buying, you need to make sure whether the drug acts on a specific pest, because the list is expanding every year. They use acaricides against ticks (actellik, fitoverm, vertimek, acarin, agravertin, neoron).
Rot is a strong threat to succulents. You won't be able to notice it right away, because it starts from the roots. It appears more often when the temperature drops. If spots, mold, "boiled" leaves appear on the flower, they must be cut off immediately. Water should not flood the plant to prevent rot.
Flowers are unpretentious, but at the same time they need to be monitored. They became popular due to their beauty and minimalism.