How To Play Herringbone On The Piano

How To Play Herringbone On The Piano
How To Play Herringbone On The Piano

Table of contents:


With the selection of a simple melody "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter" M. Krasev, you can start your acquaintance with the piano. It is a simple melody with constant repetition, using only six notes. You can pick it up yourself, even a three-year-old child can cope with this task. By performing it, it will be possible to brighten up the upcoming New Year's holiday. Or play music school admission.

Best New Year's Fun - Song Performance
Best New Year's Fun - Song Performance

It is necessary

Synthesizer, piano, virtual piano, A4 sheet, pen


Step 1

Look at the keyboard. It has black and white keys. The same "black" groups are repeated along the entire length of the piano: two black keys next to each other, three black keys next to each other. To the left of any group of two black keys is the note C, or in Latin "C". Further from it, upward along the white keys, is the entire notorious scale of do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si and again do.

There are only seven notes and they are repeated on the keyboard
There are only seven notes and they are repeated on the keyboard

Step 2

For convenience, write down this order of notes on A4 sheet, each name with a distance in a key. The sheet can be placed on the music rest above the keyboard by connecting the C to spelling C on the keyboard. Now find the note G. The song will begin with it. Listen to a song on the Internet, or on a children's collection. If you are picking up with your child, remember the song, sing it several times so that the melody is "heard."

Step 3

Find the notes of the first phrase of the herringbone melody. Salt, mi, mi, salt, mi, mi. Then in a row downwards from salt: salt, fa, mi, re, do. This corresponds to the words "The little tree is cold in winter". Play several times while singing this phrase aloud as you play. Pay attention to the rhythm. The first stressed syllables of the words "little" and "herringbone" will be longer than the rest. Therefore, the "salt" will be long, and the two "mi" will be short. According to the scheme mi + mi are equal to one salt. The ending phrase consists only of short, even beats. Follow this rhythm in your performance.

Step 4

Pick up the second phrase: "We took the Christmas tree home from the forest." La, do, la, salt, mi, mi. And again in a row downwards from the salt the final motive: salt, fa, mi, re, do. Play and sing these notes with the words. "From" - la, "forest" - to, la, "herringbone" - salt, mi, mi. Etc. Thus, for each syllable in both phrases, you have one piano note. The rhythmic pattern of the first phrase will be the same as in the first: one long note and two short ones.

Step 5

Combine both matched phrases. Play them several times one after another. Remember to sing the song out loud with the game first. When you’re sure you’ve memorized it, remove the A4 sheet from the music stand and try playing the melody on the piano without singing. Find the lyrics to the entire song. The melody repeats all the quatrains of the "little Christmas tree".