Chains can be used to make fine jewelry (pendant, necklace, pendant) for legs, arms and body. Their creation will not take much time. In the manufacture, you can also use satin ribbons, lace and other decorative elements.

How to make a pendant from chains
To make an original pendant from chains, you will need: rings for the base, nylon tape, pliers, chain, lighter, scissors, chains, as well as various accessories (fasteners, beads).
First, cut a small piece of tape and attach it to the ring. Then use a ribbon to tie the chain to the ring. After you reach the end of the chain, separate the required number of links and connect the ring. Now it remains to go around the tape a couple of times to ensure a secure fit. After that, you should tie the end of the ribbon and set it on fire with a lighter.
As a result, you will get a kind of pendant that can become the basis of any jewelry. You can additionally rewind the space inside the ring with tape and add beads or small chains.
DIY chain necklace
A very nice necklace can be made from chains. To do this, take a chain (length 1.5 meters), a thin satin ribbon, a piece of black lace and a metal button. Also, you cannot do without thread, needles and scissors. You will also need a thin chain up to 30 centimeters long.
First make the strings for the necklace. Prepare a satin ribbon and cut it in two. From the chain, lay out the shape of the decoration in tiers. Then sew the strings to the chain. Fold a nice bow out of a lace ribbon and sew a metal button to it. After that, attach the bow to the necklace itself. If the resulting decoration does not seem interesting to you, sew on additional thin chains.
Original decoration for the thigh
For the summer time, you can make an original jewelry for the thigh from chains. First, create a ring-shaped gum base. It is desirable that it is tight enough on the thigh. Attach the chains to the elastic band at equal distances from each other. Every two chains will need to be connected with horizontal chains.
This is the whole process of creating a stylish jewelry. It can be worn with shorts or a short skirt. By replacing the elastic with a lace base, you can avoid hiding it under your clothes.
How to make a body jewelry from chains?
If you want to make an interesting piece of epaulette jewelry, take long chains, metal rings and a clasp. First you need to make a chain with a clasp to fit your neck. Then measure your shoulder and attach two chains to your necklace.
After that, make a ring from the chain so that it wraps around the armpits. Now it remains to add chains to the hand circle from the neck. The resulting jewelry is perfect for an office shirt or dress.