Selfies are a great way to capture important and happy moments, especially when no one is around to help you take a photo. In order for a selfie to be of the highest quality and most beautiful, there are several secrets.

Simple sunlight can perfectly highlight the virtues of your appearance while hiding the flaws. In addition, such a light will lie very beautifully, and the frames will turn out to be the most advantageous. Act naturally in front of the camera. Forget about the so-called "duckface", such antics have not benefited anyone yet. Take multiple shots from different angles to see which head turn or facial expression makes you look as attractive as possible.
Suitable background
The right background is a very important part of the overall image. Although your face dominates the frame, the way the background sets off your appearance plays a huge role. A good background shouldn't draw all the attention. Also, avoid getting into the frame of things that spoil everything (for example, the garbage truck in the background has not added sophistication and attractiveness to anyone yet).
Clean camera
Be sure to clean your smartphone's camera before taking a picture. You will be surprised how striking the difference is between a shot through a smudged camera and a shot taken with a freshly wiped camera. The quality of your photo will be much higher.