A photographer is a creative profession. It requires a lot of work, patience and knowledge. If you have a great desire and difficulties do not frighten, then you can safely master it. What does it take to become a true professional?

Nowadays, many universities can offer a higher education in photography. But today this training, if we take into account the labor market, does not always meet modern requirements. Finding a good photography school or course is not easy. Leaders must provide the opportunity to use real professional equipment, laboratory and studio. Teaching in different subjects (photography, color science, lighting) should be led by different teachers, narrow specialists. As a rule, private studios are better equipped technically, but weaker in teaching staff.
Self improvement
A photographer is a profession that requires constant growth. After all, technological progress does not stand still. It is necessary to constantly monitor the latest innovations in the photography industry and be sure to apply them in your practice. You should certainly read a lot of everything that you find in photographic literature, some books should be re-read more than once. Only in this way, constantly improving yourself, can you become a good specialist in your field.
Whatever you do, always train your gaze. Constantly look for interesting stories and perspectives. Become observant, notice what you did not notice before. Let nothing remarkable (face, object, landscape, still life, etc.) escape your gaze. As soon as you see something unusual, capture it, "photograph" with your eyes, if you don't have a camera at hand. Themes for frames may be needed in the future. This way you will learn how to distinguish something original from many common plots.
The more you photograph, the more experience you gain, and the higher your qualifications become. Leave ten of the one hundred frames taken, but they should be the most worthy and high quality. Patience and work will certainly yield results.
Having bought a good camera (with a mirror lens), you can safely offer your services for money. Take action, don't stand still. Believe in yourself, because everyone was once a beginner.
Let's summarize. As you can see, it is not so easy to become true masters of photography. If you do not have the financial resources, the necessary education, or time does not allow, do not despair. Make photography your hobby, favorite pastime. The main thing is to be able to find something unusual and catch it in time. Good luck to you.