The number of the name is a characteristic that largely determines the motives of your behavior, the way of thinking and, in some cases, the predisposition to illness. The definition of this number is included in the functions of the science of the influence of numbers on the fate and life of a person - numerology.

Step 1
Write your name on a separate sheet of paper, spaced small between letters. If you usually use a nickname rather than a full name, you can use it - the more common name has a greater influence on you.
Step 2
In accordance with the table, write down its number under each letter: under "a", "and", "c" - one, under "d", "m" "x", "y" - five, and so on.
Step 3
Put pluses between the numbers and add them all. As a result, you will get a two-digit number. Add up his numbers. If you get a two-digit number again, repeat the operation until you get a single-digit number (one to nine). The resulting number is the number of your name. Using the same table, you can calculate the number of your last name and patronymic.
Step 4
Each number has a special impact on a person. So, the number 4 is a symbol of earth, perseverance, stability. People with this name number stand firmly on their feet, are pragmatic, love order and reliability in everything, follow the rules exactly and demand the same from others. The six accompanies the leader, mentor, guardian of comfort in the house, disinterested friend and just person. Nine is characteristic of vain people who, nevertheless, can achieve any goal if they go to it and are not distracted by extraneous affairs. The name number 3 indicates a creative nature that is always ready to provide new ideas, to see the world in a new light. At the same time, excessive daydreaming impedes activity, the "troikas" tend to waste their energy, and sometimes money, in vain. Name number 1 accompanies leaders who need to overcome laziness in order to achieve their goals. They also have creativity and a strong mind, but often “few” neglect the opinions of others.