How To Guess The Numbers In The Lotto

How To Guess The Numbers In The Lotto
How To Guess The Numbers In The Lotto

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Unfortunately, only a few people manage to win the lotto. But it turns out that there are quite a few ways to guess the numbers when playing the lotto. This is the pendulum method, the random selection system, the random factor method, etc.

How to guess the numbers in the lotto
How to guess the numbers in the lotto


Step 1

The pendulum method is one of the simplest and most common ways to guess numbers. Take any heavy weight (ring, nut, cap, cap) and hang it on a thread that is not too long. Under the influence of the object, the thread must necessarily be stretched, otherwise the prediction may turn out to be incorrect.

Step 2

Then, on a blank sheet of paper (preferably A4 format), write the numbers participating in the game in random order. Above the written sheet, you need to slowly move the pendulum and wait until it stops. You will hardly be able to correctly determine the number the first time (the "language" of the pendulum is still not fully understood), but if you practice several times, it is quite possible that luck will smile at you.

Step 3

The random search system is not so popular and, in addition, ineffective. Agree, the probability that the combination you wrote down will coincide with the one dropped from the lottery drum is incredibly small. But fortunate accidents do happen, so why not try it? Perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones.

Step 4

When trying to guess the numbers in the lotto, you can use other means as well. For example, a system based on the prehistory of games (when people, for several years in a row, calculate the numbers that appear in games, the number of their repetitions and combinations with other numbers, and then, based on the information obtained, they build graphs and diagrams by which they determine the winning sampling).

Step 5

You can exclude options that are very unlikely to be dropped. Discard those combinations that have already dropped out in the game, and the numbers following them in a row.

Step 6

While playing on the playing field of your ticket, draw all kinds of "magic" squares, circles, rectangles, as well as other hieroglyphs and geometric shapes.
