11 Ways To Use Ester Bottles

11 Ways To Use Ester Bottles
11 Ways To Use Ester Bottles

The more esters you have and the more often you use them, the more empty bottles are left. Of course, they can be thrown into the trash can without bothering your head. But is this a decent way for a person who is keen on hand-made? After all, they can be used for good deeds.

11 ways to use ester bottles
11 ways to use ester bottles

1) They can mix oils for use on the face and body.

2) They are ideal for macerating.

3) You can pour some oil into them if you want to give someone a taste of the ether smell.

4) Many people make purchases for several people, then the bottles will come to the rescue.

5) If you add base oil (almond, apricot), you get an excellent massage oil.

6) They make cool containers for beads, seeds or spices in small quantities (don't forget to take out the stopper).

7) Use the bottle as a wardrobe sachet.

8) If you have a practically industrial quantity of such bottles left, you can sell them on Internet sites such as eBay or Avito.

9) If a creative streak is close to you, then from such bottles you can make decor for an apartment: candlesticks, New Year's garlands for a Christmas tree.

10) Put salt in them, leave for a couple of days, and here is a wonderful bath remedy with the aroma of essential oil (keep in mind that before taking baths with some essential oils, you need to test the oil on the bend of the elbow).

11) If you pour alcohol inside, and then pour it into a large spray bottle and add water, you will get a spray for aromatizing the air in the apartment. The large bottle should be glass or HDPE.
