How To Come Up With A Quest

How To Come Up With A Quest
How To Come Up With A Quest

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The creation of computer games in the "quest" genre can be considered an art, along with writing books or filming films. This is even more, because the creator of the quest not only tries to tell the story, he makes it interactive, allows the user to feel like a co-author - therefore, the creation of such works is somewhat more difficult than it seems.

How to come up with a quest
How to come up with a quest


Step 1

Make a concept. At the heart of any adventure is, above all, history. It is not necessarily linear and has one ending, but, nevertheless, it is quite definite. Decide on a basic one: what is your quest about? What are the main plot moves there will be present? What is the role of the main characters? By answering all these questions, you will create the first, "rough" layout of the project, which, of course, can be changed - but at least you will clearly understand where you are going.

Step 2

Create the world. It's simple, if events take place in our time, however, if the setting is invented, then it must be invented qualitatively. For example, DeusEx is considered one of the best games precisely because this cyberpunk universe is thought out to the smallest detail, absolutely logical and reasonably believable: you should strive for the same.

Step 3

Think about the characters. This is the first stage in writing a more detailed plot: any dialogue in the quest will be implausible if you have no idea what kind of people are talking. In fact, you have to "fit" the characters into the events, rather than adjust people to the circumstances, so the story will seem much more realistic. After creating the main characters, start working on individual episodes and scenes.

Step 4

Thinking over the gameplay directly, try to diversify it as much as possible. Project Fahrenheit can serve as an ideal in this regard, where you will not complete the same task twice in the whole game: the characters are constantly changing their occupation. You have to search, interrogate, solve puzzles or search the premises: the main thing is that everything is not reduced to the primitive scheme "bring me object X, and I will let you into the next room."

Step 5

Carefully fit all tasks into the context of the game. A serious problem with most quests is illogical decisions. Of course, it's funny when in SilentHill you open doors with clay tablets, but thinking about this is extremely difficult: try to make the solution believable, then the players will be more comfortable. Also, do not fill the process with meaningless puzzles, as in Keepsake, where any casket is opened by playing "tags" (and the doors are even worse).
