Man is used to relying on the benefits of technological progress. Houses and streets are lit with electric bulbs, so there is no need to peer into the darkness to see the road. Nature lovers, those who love camping and campfire, are less dependent on artificial lighting and know how to use their night vision.

It is necessary
a flashlight with red bulbs
Step 1
When a person completely unexpectedly finds himself in the dark, for example, if a light bulb burns out or the electricity is turned off, he does not see anything for some time. The eyes need a certain amount of time to adapt and increase their sensitivity to light flux. Full recovery in dark conditions occurs only within an hour, but after 15 minutes the sensitivity increases to 80%.
Step 2
But there are techniques that help speed up this process. To help your eyes adapt to the dark faster, wash yourself with cold water and put a lump of sugar on your tongue. Do some light exercises. The sympathetic nervous system of the human body is responsible for these connections, when you activate a part of it, the whole of it wakes up. That is, do not sit and peer into the darkness, do something and quickly begin to see with your night vision.
Step 3
But you have to be careful the moment the light suddenly comes on. For eyes accustomed to darkness, bright light can be painful. Lower your eyelids slightly to quickly adapt to the dark.
Step 4
The retina contains two types of photoreceptors - rods and cones. The first species is more sensitive to light and it is he who is responsible for human night vision. On the retina, the rods are located along the perimeter, but in the center they are not. Therefore, once in the dark, use your peripheral vision. To see the object more clearly, do not look at it directly, but turn your head slightly to the side.
Step 5
When walking at night, do not look directly under your feet, but look forward. Practice and you will understand that this method of promotion is very effective.
Step 6
If you have been in the dark for a long time and your eyes are used to it, but you need to see the map, do not use ordinary flashlights. Modern tourist equipment provides for mobile light sources with red diodes. In the absence of such a lamp, cover it with an ordinary handkerchief.
Step 7
To develop and improve your night vision, use artificial lighting as little as possible. At home, you can also put lamps with weak red bulbs, and walk on brightly lit streets with tinted glasses.