How To Learn To Draw Dolls

How To Learn To Draw Dolls
How To Learn To Draw Dolls

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Dolls are different. From wood, from rags, from plastic, from clay, from porcelain. And you can draw a doll on paper yourself, following the step-by-step instructions. There is nothing complicated about it.

How to learn to draw dolls
How to learn to draw dolls

It is necessary

  • - a sheet of white thick paper,
  • - hard pencil,
  • - helium pen,
  • - eraser,
  • - colour pencils,
  • - scissors.


Step 1

Prepare a piece of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. A pencil is best hard or hard-soft to avoid unnecessary dirt in the drawing. It is best to place the sheet vertically. Try starting with the doll's face. Draw common lines, eyes, mouth and nose. Remember that you are not creating a copy of a person, but just a doll. Therefore, slightly enlarged eyes and lips will not hurt at all.

Step 2

Now outline the figurine of the doll's body - torso, arms, legs. Come up with a pose for your doll. Give her a hairstyle. You can draw curly curls like real dolls or beautiful straight hair, or you can draw ponytails. What your imagination is enough for.

Step 3

Draw with a pencil the small details of the doll - hands, feet, fingers, curls, eyelashes. Design underwear for your doll.

Step 4

Take a black helium pen and draw all the lines. Modify any details of the face, hairstyle, underwear. After the helium pen is dry, gently erase the pencil marks with an eraser. Be careful not to smudge the black paste and ruin your drawing.

Step 5

Now take colored pencils and start coloring your doll. Shade the body with a beige pencil. Pick up a pencil for shading the doll's hair. Also choose pencils for eyes, lips, and underwear. Using a pencil color darker than the main one - add volume to the doll's figure, shade a little shadow, mark the cheeks.

Step 6

After the figure is ready, you can cut it out with scissors strictly along the contour. Place the figurine on a piece of paper and circle it. Now you can draw clothes for her - dress, shoes, hats, and more. Color them in and draw the “clues” with which the clothes will be attached to the body. Here you have a real doll, whose wardrobe you can replenish.
