Boris Zakhoder is a Soviet and Russian children's writer, translator and screenwriter. He is a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Throughout his adult life, he was engaged in the popularization of world classics for children. More than one generation has been brought up on the books of the author of prose and poetry, which makes his work immortal. Many fans of this extraordinary man's talent are interested in learning details about his personal life, including information about children.

Throughout the post-Soviet space, the name of Boris Zakhoder is well known to most people. After all, this genius person made an invaluable contribution to Russian literature, making children's works as popular as serious artistic creations for adults. Despite the main emphasis in favor of poems and fairy tales for the younger generation, the name of the famous poet and prose writer should also be associated with talented translations of foreign works.
And among his own literary works, one should especially highlight the books "The Shaggy Alphabet", "The Whale and the Cat", "My Imagination", "Little Ruschok", "The Story of a Caterpillar", "Bird School", "Gray Star", "Change" and "What the most beautiful of all”, which were published in large circulations until the mid-nineties of the last century. In 2000, Boris Zakhoder was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for special services in the field of art and literature.
The writer's work related to literary adaptations and translations of world famous foreign fairy tales deserves special words of gratitude. Any child in our country knows the contents of the books "Peter Pan", "Alice in the Field of Miracles" and "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All" thanks to the work of this unsurpassed talent.
Brief biography of Boris Zakhoder
On September 9, 1918, the future Soviet and Russian writer appeared in a family far from the world of art and literature in Cahul (Bessarabia, now Moldova). His father went to the front in 1914, having signed up as a volunteer. It was in the fighting situation of the First World War that he met his sister of mercy, Polina, who later became his wife.
After demobilization, the formed family was replenished with a newborn son and remained in Odessa. A few years later, they all moved to Moscow. The head of the family at one time was a very popular lawyer with an excellent reputation, and his mother worked as a translator, which after a certain period predetermined the creative activity of the writer himself.

From childhood, the boy was distinguished from his peers by his special curiosity and hard work. He was seriously interested in natural sciences, foreign languages and sports. It is noteworthy that during his school years, Boris had little interest in fiction, considering this occupation a frivolous matter. Therefore, the subsequent profession was very surprised by the family and friends, who believed that the young man would most likely choose a scientific path.
According to the children's writer himself, he himself initially thought about the career of a scientist. He enjoyed doing biology, experimenting with plants. He spent a lot of time researching certain types of them and received bold conclusions that could influence the established stable views of the scientific community of that time. Therefore, after receiving a certificate of secondary education, the young man hastened to enter the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University.
However, Zakhoder's inner aspirations over time were able to manifest with renewed vigor, and he clearly understood what his real calling was. He entered the capital's Literary Institute, which he graduated from because of the outbreak of war only in 1947. Boris spent the Russian-Finnish military operation and all the years of the Great Patriotic War at the front as a military journalist. And his contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders was awarded the honorary medal "For Service in Battle" in 1944.
First wife
The personal life of Boris Zakhoder includes three marriages and a complete absence of heirs. The first time the writer married Nina Zozula, whom he met in 1934. In an instant, this beautiful woman turned the head of a creative personality with all, as they say, the ensuing consequences.

Unfortunately, the frivolous nature of the wife directly affected her loyalty, which resulted in the inevitable divorce that occurred in 1940. The young man suffered a very hard break. His morale was severely damaged. He fell into depression and began to lead an asocial lifestyle, withdrawing even from close friends.
Second wife
A new love brought Boris out of the closed and secluded state associated with the first romantic disappointment in life. It was Kira Smirnova who was able not only to heal him from heart shock, but also to completely conquer and captivate with female charms.

1945 became for Zakhoder, who returned from the front with valor, not only a time of the great victory of the Soviet people, but also a new milestone in his personal life. A wedding followed and a happy family time. However, after 21 years, this idyll was also darkened by a rupture. The popular children's writer again remained in the status of an enviable bachelor.
Third wife
The last, third wife of Boris Zakhoder was in 1966 his colleague in the creative department (writer and photo artist) Galina Romanova. It was she who was his muse and inspirer for many years. His wife, colleague and best friend was with him until the last day of the life of a talented writer. Subsequently, she will release a biographical book about her husband, called "Zakhoder and all-all-all."

On November 7, 2000, Boris Vladimirovich at the age of 82 passed away. He died in a medical hospital near Moscow Korolyov. His body was buried at the Troyekurovsky cemetery in the capital. Fresh flowers, brought by numerous admirers of his work, still constantly lie on the grave of the popular writer.
Children who never came
Unfortunately, the famous children's writer and poet Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder was never able to become a father. His whole life was filled with children, for the sake of whom he did what he loved. But he could not have his own heirs with any of his wives. However, all age generations of our country honor his memory, because many of them were brought up on his works of art.